Shaking hands before the start of the sporting clays competition.

here Shaking hands before the start of the sporting clays competition.

Tramadol Online Pay With Mastercard It’s Sunday. That means it’s time for a Vermont Chronicles post on Chi Wulff. This time? A bit less fish and scenery, a bit more guys and guns. And, yeah, a bit of tweed (it’s the NE). Head on over and give it a read.

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Thanks, Gang

Buy Prescription Tramadol Without by Fire Girl Jess on September 25, 2014

Double duty—fly rods and camera. Missouri River, Montana, Spring 2013. Double duty—fly rods and camera. Missouri River, Montana, Spring 2013.

Discount Tramadol Online It’s been a busy week here at FGP, and the coming weeks look to be only getting busier. There’s truth in the fact that we wouldn’t put our hearts and souls into something we don’t truly love, and that we should do work for ourselves. There’s a writers maxim that you should only write what you want to; write for yourself, what you would want to read.

click here But, hell you all make it a lot more fun.

get link It’s been a record-breaking week for Fire Girl traffic… popped 1,000 likes on Facebook and had my first Instagram post with well over 100 likes. We all roll our eyes at social media (at least I know I do, multiple times a day) but it’s nice to know some folks are reading this drivel and the entire world doesn’t think I’m crazy. (I know some of you do, and totally I’m okay with that. I wonder myself from time to time.)

follow Thanks to everyone who takes the time to show your support. You make it worth the battle.

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Sandanona Game Fair Weekend by Fire Girl Jess on September 23, 2014

Geoffroy Gournet, master engraver, working on a piece in the marketplace.

Purchase Tramadol Discount Geoffroy Gournet, master engraver, working on a piece in the marketplace.

The Land Rover course was a popular stop. The Land Rover course was a popular stop.

source It was a busy weekend down at Orvis Sandanona, as crowds gathered underneath fall leaves for the annual Game Fair and Orvis Cup shooting competition. The facility, the oldest shooting preserve in the nation, is expectedly gorgeous and lovely and staffed with some pretty incredible people. I had been down once before, driving down into the Hudson River Valley and marveling at my close proximity to NYC and all that entailed, for a day of work and wingshooting. Yeah, still a Montana country girl at heart. So it was pretty incredible to work as the contract photographer for this weekend’s event, running around like mad documenting the two days of clays shooting, shopping, falconry, dog training, Land Rover off road driving… the list goes on and on. Talk about a target rich environment for the camera. I had a bachelorette party Friday night (dancing and clubbing and heels), got home and slept a few precious hours, then loaded up the gear and headed south. As I learned in Russia, the beauty of working when exhausted is mental filters just go away and stuff happens. The body, the brain, and the eye go on automatic. I came away from the weekend with blistered feet, two full memory cards, and a blister on my thumb from trying to angle and shoot a few select shots on the sporting clays course. Dusty and dirty and tired and so damn happy.

Tramadol Ultram Online Look for the images in advertising soon, and keep an eye for a photo essay or two in sporting magazines. I’m off to fish the Ausable in the Adirondacks with a large group from the Orvis Creative Services gang this weekend. Should be interesting; I’m bringing both camera and fishing gear. I’m eager to try out a new waterproof camera bag setup I picked up, and will report back soon!

Sunday morning chatter before the Orvis Cup begins. Sunday morning chatter before the Orvis Cup begins.

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The Tacky Fly Box enjoying an evening on the Roaring Branch, southern Vermont. The Tacky Fly Box enjoying an evening on the Roaring Branch. Southern Vermont.

see I’m a bit of a gear-head at heart. Most photographers are, it seems. Certainly the majority of fishy folk are. And while my natural tendency is to obsess over lenses and camera bags, water filtration systems and down sleeping bags, I’m maturing and learning to just get the hell outside.

follow link In that spirit, head on over to Gear Junkie and read about the latest and greatest fly box. I met the guys behind Tacky Fly Fishing at IFTD this July, and am excited to see them get the kudos they deserve for a pretty damn interesting product.

Buy Cheap Tramadol With Mastercard And, hey, any time I can write and photograph about gear? Life is pretty good.

go here More to come soon on Gear Junkie.

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The Barest Hint of Color

go site by Fire Girl Jess on September 17, 2014

Signs of fall in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Tramadol Online Uk Reviews Signs of fall in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

The new FGP Subaru is learning the ropes.

source The new FGP Subaru is learning the ropes. Today was a good day. I wrote before even heading into the office, editing down a piece for a UK publication. Once in the office, I wrote some more. Attended meetings. Talked social media. Talked branding. Talked marketing strategy and planning. Drank lots of tea. Wrote a little more. Put out a few fires, and maybe lit one or two. But the best part of the day? I took my camera. For the past several years, my camera has become an extension of my body. It went where I went. We camped rough in the deserts of south Texas. Explored and documented during a US Army nighttime infiltration course. Floated and fished countless rivers and waters and byways. We rode helicopters in Russia and stalked wolves in Yellowstone.

So, I realize when I say the camera came to the office with me, it sounds rather dull.

Except it wasn’t.

In a newfound bid to keep my sanity (or maybe find it, it’s still up for debate pending who you talk to) I’m working on a project this fall to document the little “odds and ends” here in Vermont. The little tidbits that often go unnoticed—the moss on a rock wall, the second-long glimpse of a lake through the trees as I bump along a dirt road. It’s more of a personal challenge than anything, but I needed another long-term project to work on.

And so.

Today’s lunchtime jaunt into the hills surrounding the office was the first of many. Looking forward to the color of fall and all the adventures it brings.

In other news, I’m working the weekend in the Hudson River Valley, photographing the Orvis Game Fair at Sandanona. If you are there, look for the girl with the camera and say hi. The next weekend will be spend fishing, photographing, and exploring on the Ausable River and the Adirondacks.



The Vermont Chronicles 14 September: Settling into Fall

by Fire Girl Jess on September 14, 2014

Taking the Trout Bum product development team fishing Friday morning.

Taking the Orvis Trout Bum product development team fishing Friday morning.

Another round of weekend reading on Chi Wulff. Head on over and let me know what you think!

Next weekend I’m covering the Orvis Game Fair, and the weekend after that chasing trout and fall foliage north at the Ausable River.  Somewhere, in the midst, articles are written and photographs are taken.

More to come.


For 9/11

by Fire Girl Jess on September 11, 2014

A U.S. Army recruit crosses a series of roped bridges during a training session at Fort Leonard-Wood, Missouri.

A U.S. Army recruit crosses a series of roped bridges during a training session at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Somehow, little seemed more appropriate for the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11 and the beginning of subsequent events.

And certainly, bearing in mind today’s political climate, the nearly century-old words still ring true.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

-John McCrae, May 1915