source It was a busy weekend down at Orvis Sandanona, as crowds gathered underneath fall leaves for the annual Game Fair and Orvis Cup shooting competition. The facility, the oldest shooting preserve in the nation, is expectedly gorgeous and lovely and staffed with some pretty incredible people. I had been down once before, driving down into the Hudson River Valley and marveling at my close proximity to NYC and all that entailed, for a day of work and wingshooting. Yeah, still a Montana country girl at heart. So it was pretty incredible to work as the contract photographer for this weekend’s event, running around like mad documenting the two days of clays shooting, shopping, falconry, dog training, Land Rover off road driving… the list goes on and on. Talk about a target rich environment for the camera. I had a bachelorette party Friday night (dancing and clubbing and heels), got home and slept a few precious hours, then loaded up the gear and headed south. As I learned in Russia, the beauty of working when exhausted is mental filters just go away and stuff happens. The body, the brain, and the eye go on automatic. I came away from the weekend with blistered feet, two full memory cards, and a blister on my thumb from trying to angle and shoot a few select shots on the sporting clays course. Dusty and dirty and tired and so damn happy.
Tramadol Ultram Online Look for the images in advertising soon, and keep an eye for a photo essay or two in sporting magazines. I’m off to fish the Ausable in the Adirondacks with a large group from the Orvis Creative Services gang this weekend. Should be interesting; I’m bringing both camera and fishing gear. I’m eager to try out a new waterproof camera bag setup I picked up, and will report back soon!
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