Image of backpacking in the Crazy Mountains in Montana after a thunderstorm in the summer.

Tramadol Online Mastercard These two images made it into print in the latest issue of Outside Bozeman, just released for summertime! The first shot, in Montana’s Crazy Mountains, was taken during a backpacking trip. It was the morning after one of the most spectacular mountain storms I’ve witnessed, and we woke to a clear sky (though it would later snow!) and damp, heavily-scented grass underfoot. Hot coffee has never tasted better!

source site The second, with friends Jackie and Phoebe, was an outtake from a commercial shoot for Orvis years ago, in the mountains surrounding Bozeman. Always interesting to see where the outtakes end up! Thanks to the crew at  Tramadol Overnight Shipping Visa Outside Bozeman for getting these out into the world. We’re cooking up something fun for the fall issue… stay tuned!

Order Cheap Tramadol Overnight Two girls drinking beer in a hammock while camping in Montana. { 0 comments } Jess McGlothlin Media. Belize photography. Image of man on bicycle in front of market in San Pedro, Belize.

follow Locations: El Pescador Resort – Ambergris Caye, Belize & Copal Tree Lodge — Punta Gorda, Belize

get link Dates: February 7-14, 2019 | 7-night / 3-day guided fishing / 3-day cultural package Cost Per Person: $4,805 per person. based on double occupancy / shared guide See the full brochure here, or email Jess for more information!

Tramadol Online Prescription Uk Jess McGlothlin Media. Belize photography. Morning routine by the pool at El Pescador Lodge and Resort, San Pedro, Belize.

Photography Instructor: Jess McGlothlin

see Belize has long been one of my favorite destinations — it’s where I caught my first bonefish, and each time I return I fall more and more in love with the country. I’m pleased to be returning once more to Belize to teach this photography-fishing-cultural combination trip with Frontiers!

here El Pescador always feels like coming home; after visiting lodges around the world, it remains one of my favorite destinations. The staff feels like family, the accommodations are comfortable and the rooms (and three pools!) are the perfect respite after a long day chasing sport fish on the flats. We’ll enjoy three days of guided fishing, where those who are interested in the photography aspect of the trip can shoot “on assignment” while they trade shots with their boat mate.

source link After three days of fishing at El Pescador, we’ll travel south to the luxurious jungle escape of Copal Tree Lodge (formerly Belcampo Lodge) for three days of cultural adventures and photography instruction (optional). We’ll explore local villages, snorkel with the lodge chef, make our own chocolate bars from home-grown cacao beans, all the while enjoying the lodge’s fine dining and well- appointed rooms. There’s something special about Belize that continues to draw me back. Join me for a week of fly fishing, hands-on photography instruction and cultural adventures — and watch yourself fall in love with Belize! I look forward to seeing you there! Get the details and join me in Belize! Read more…

Order Tramadol 50Mg Online { 0 comments } It’s nearly 900 steps upward to the Monastery at Petra — and worth every moment of the climb.

go to site Last month, I had one of the most incredible trips of my career, shooting a project in Jordan. While the main project is due to hit the street soon — and I can’t wait to share it! — I couldn’t help but write up a few pieces on the side. This piece just ran today on RootsRated. follow Read it and see why Jordan should be on your travel list!

Tramadol Mastercard More than ever, Jordan is popping up on the travel wish lists of savvy globetrotters—and for good reason. In an era of global instability, especially amidst the longstanding turmoil of some of its neighbors, the small Middle Eastern country is making itself known as an oasis of tranquility—and, increasingly, of outdoor adventure. Its rugged landscapes and under-the-radar status as an adventure mecca have caught the attention of active-minded types. In addition, Jordan, whose official name is the Hashemite Kingdom, has recently unveiled new tourism initiatives such as the Jordan Trail, the Jordan Bike Trail, and the Aqaba Marine Park, which provide job opportunities for locals and visitors with new reasons to stop and stay a while. Of course, the country isn’t without its challenges, including a struggling economy, high numbers of refugees from neighboring regions, and a dearth of jobs. But Jordanians are finding a way to move forward with aplomb, and are more excited than ever to share their country with eager travelers, likely over syrupy mint tea or a celebratory meal of mansaf, the tasty national lamb dish. Here, four reasons to travel to Jordan now.

Tramadol Buying Online Read the rest of the article here.

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Summer in Missoula by Fire Girl Jess on June 23, 2018

Tramadol Online Mastercard I’ve moved my home base three hours northwest to Missoula, Montana — back on the west side of the Continental Divide! Enjoying working with new clients, exploring town and waiting for the rivers to drop back down after runoff and spring rains. I headed downtown for a coffee shop work session a few days ago and went back to one of my favorite spots in town — watching surfers hit up Brennan’s Wave. Nice to be back.

go Missoula folks — give me a shout!


Pleased to see a photo essay from a trip to Samoa take second place in the Photography Essay Category of the Outdoor Writer’s Association of America’s Excellence in Craft Awards this year! This was one of those shoots that was not so much fun, but with a lot of work ended up being productive with a hugely successful photo essay for YETI Coolers.

Thanks again to the OWAA team for the hard work they put in on behalf of our industry!


An Insider’s Guide to Angling in West Yellowstone

by Fire Girl Jess on June 10, 2018

I’ve got a short new written piece out for West Yellowstone Chamber… a fishing 101 primer for the West Yellowstone area. If you’re thinking about fly-fishing in the West Yellowstone area (and I would highly recommend you do!), read An Insider’s Guide to Angling in West Yellowstone. Here’s a short preview:

For fly anglers around the globe, the very idea of West Yellowstone conjures up images of mountain streams, lush meadows with winding rivers, and trophy-size wild trout. It’s hard to page through any fly-fishing publication without seeing mention and photographs of the region, and for good reason—West Yellowstone is bordered by top blue-ribbon trout streams in nearly every direction.

For Bob Jacklin, the thought of getting to fly fish in this pristine part of the country changed the course of his life.

“I read a story about fishing in Yellowstone,” says Jacklin, who grew up in New Jersey where he learned to fly fish. “And I thought, that’s what I want to do.” He saved his money while serving in the military, and when his enlistment was up he headed straight to West Yellowstone.

“This will be my 49th year guiding here,” he says. “There’s nothing else like it.”

Read the rest of the article here.


Jordan Wanderings

by Fire Girl Jess on June 7, 2018

An early-morning hike in the back route to Petra revealed the Monastery in all its glory.

I had the great pleasure to spend part of last month hiking around Jordan. From the far northern ranges near Syria to the desert canyons surrounding the mysterious site of Petra, it was a breathtakingly incredible (and quick!) trip. I look forward to returning in the near future to explore more of this incredible country!

Stories will be coming out in several outlets over the next few months — keep an eye here and on my social media outlets for links. In the meantime, here are a few teaser images to whet your sense of adventure.

Donkeys carry water, tourists and supplies all over the site of Petra.

Dawn breaks at a Bedouin camp near Petra after a windy night of sandstorms.

A local Bedouin crosses part of Petra on his camels under hot midday sun.

It’s more than 900 steps upward to the Monastery at Petra — and worth every moment of the climb.

More donkeys and burros at work within the canyons of Petra.

Darkness comes slowly in the desert.