Chi Wulff: Quiet Spaces Near Yellowstone

source url by Fire Girl Jess on August 3, 2014

Jake takes advantage of early fall colors on the upper Madison River in southwest Montana. Jake takes advantage of early fall colors on the upper Madison River in southwest Montana. In lieu of a “Vermont Chronicles” post on Chi Wulff this week (there’s been a lot of desk work and not much fishing this week, and I promised not to bore the fish-headed readers on that site with any equestrian photography from yesterday’s assignment), I went on a little tirade about unplugging and getting one’s rear end outside. Started writing the piece with something rather different in mind, but sometimes the soul takes control and, well, game over. At any rate, a few fun images of the Yellowstone area ran with the post. I’ve been in the midst of changing external hard drives—right now my folding table desk looks a bit like a wrecked version of a page off a B&H catalogue—and, in the process, going through old files. It’s amazing what imagery gets pushed aside or forgotten as work assignments take over. This fall’s goal? To shoot more for myself, and less for the client (assignments notwithstanding).

see url At any rate, grab some morning coffee and head over to Chi Wulff. { 0 comments }

Scene from a morning run on a wet summer's day. Scene from a morning run on a wet summer’s day.

go to site Lately I’ve been a bit itchy, a bit restless. It’s not a foreign feeling for me; somehow it often hits this time of year—I’m an inclement weather person, and maybe there’s something about the wintertime snow / rain (depending where I’m living at any given time) that keeps the brain occupied and the creative juices flowing. Summer is a challenge and, at 26, I’m finally learning to recognize that the panicky, uneasy feeling the summer months tend to import will pass with time and patience. The key is learning to survive in the meantime, and a big part of the survival tactic is learning to pace myself. For Fire Girl work, it’s important to diversify and make certain I work outside the comfortable world of fly fishing. A very real part of me misses covering news—forest fires, car crashes, working alongside the military—anything with inherent, serious danger. Miss the gravity of it, the weight of it, being kept awake in the middle of the night by a story that watch just seems to have more hidden parts, wondering what connects all the little dots. Outdoor photography and fishing photography/writing will always pay the bills, and it’s fun as hell, but sometimes it’s nice to churn the brain into knots and see what comes of it. And so, it’s a balance I continually work to figure out. Somehow I think maybe there’s no easy answer; that there will always be that push-pull balance to navigate. Business great Hugh Macleoud wrote, “The hunger will give you everything and it will take from you, everything. It will cost you your life, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.” I think I’m finally wrapping my head around that idea. It’s a mental balance more than anything. I’ve been forcibly unplugging from the computer as often as I can, taking long hikes in the Green Mountains near Manchester. There’s a kind of unique peacefulness that comes from being out in the wilderness alone, and problems are chewed through far more easily when the body’s working overtime. I always return to the trailhead physically exhausted and (at least somewhat) mentally calmed. A new ritual of 5am runs through the quiet streets of town also affords some good “mental organization” time; I can revel in the quiet of the typically tourist-laden streets and peer in shop windows as I trot around rain-wet sidewalks and trails. I’m a hiker; definitely not a runner, but it’s about learning to counterbalance the mental with the physical and make some time to simply unplug.

Best Place Order Tramadol Online Well, that’s this week’s odd little harangue. It’s been a productive couple weeks; look for more FGP articles and photos coming your way soon in various print and digital formats, and more tales of off-beat adventures coming to the blog. What’s the cliché? Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Looking a bit like fall already, perhaps. Looking a bit like fall already, perhaps.

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Summer sunset at Mountain Palace on Montana's Missouri River.

enter Summer sunset at Mountain Palace on Montana’s Missouri River.

go to site When the guys over at Hammer Creek Fly Fishing emailed and asked if I’d be willing to write up a “five tips” post for fly-fishing photography, I was flattered.

click And then, a little stumped. How to distill the process down to five top tips? It proved to be a fun little challenge. Give it a read and tell me what you think!

source link Thanks to Kyle Andes of Hammer Creek for making touch and for the opportunity for some guest writing!

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Alternative Transportation by Fire Girl Jess on July 21, 2014

Guide Rory Paterson aboard an Mi-8 on a supply run downriver. Ponoi River, Russia. Guide Rory Paterson aboard an Mi-8 on a supply run downriver. Ponoi River, Russia.

follow url Digging through the Russia archives for images for a submission. Came across this… different methods of transportation, from a few years ago. Can honestly say I miss the hell out of riding the Mi-8s. { 5 comments } Head on over to Chi Wulff for a bit more reporting on IFTD… hopefully you’re delving into it armed with a mug brim-full of black coffee and a fly rod (and water) near at hand.

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Reporting From IFTD by Fire Girl Jess on July 17, 2014

The Orvis booth in full-on work mode, IFTD 2014. The Orvis booth in full-on work mode, IFTD 2014.

source I could grow to like Florida. I’m reporting from an outside patio… dusk is falling, I can hear live music from somewhere on the hotel compound, and it’s humid and warm and lovely. Big, puffy gulf clouds puff over the horizon and pink sunlight tints the skyline. Somehow it’s a kind of weird, zen fit for a fishing industry gathering.

While I haven’t ventured much into ICAST land (conventional fishing still puzzles me, and I can’t throw a spinning rod to save my life, except as potentially a javelin), IFTD has proven to be a productive event for the week. It’s an idea-gathering ground of marketing mojo, press prowess, and pow-wow goodness with industry folk. Talk about a way to reenergize the writing at the day job.

I’ve been working the show strictly in an Orvis capacity, and so have not been wearing my freelance hat, nor have I been toting around the camera kit. I feel rather naked without; my shoulder feels pretty damn empty without a camera strap hugging on, and my fingers itch for the well-worn grip of the Canon.

That said, it’s been awesome to work the Orvis booth, meet some of our dealers, and talk with folk from all sides of the industry. Orvis introduced some pretty rockin’ new product for 2015, and after months spent on naming and marketing for these products, it’s pretty exciting to hear to public’s thoughts.

So, with minimal reporting, here are a few iPhone photos from the show.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to talk. I finally met, face-to-face, a lot of folks I’ve worked with over the years, once more proving there is nothing that replaces a good, old-fashioned hand shake and face time. Looking forward to catching all you guys again in the coming months.

A plethora of rather sobering news coming from around the world today—I took a phone call from a friend with boots on the ground in the Gaza Strip this morning—served as a good reminder to many present that, at the end of the day, it’s only fishing. We work in a pretty awesome industry, filled with some incredible people (met even more today), but the real world never fails to remind us of the sport’s place in the big scene of things.

So here’s to those good days on the water.

The IFTD casting pond.

The IFTD casting pond.

The latest and greatest: Orvis Recon!

The latest from Orvis for 2015: the Recon.


Off to IFTD with Orvis

by Fire Girl Jess on July 14, 2014

Three Frenchmen take advantage of the day's last light. Missouri River, Montana.

Three Frenchmen take advantage of the day’s last light. Missouri River, Montana.

Bags are packed and I’m blazing through a night of work before heading off to join the rest of the Orvis Rod & Tackle gang tomorrow at the International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) Show in Orlando. Looking forward to hitting the pavement with the guys I work with on a daily basis and seeing what’s new in the fly fishing realm (and showcase some of Orvis’ new 2015 product). Should be a busy week.

If you’re there, give me a shout! (Or, alternately, look for the only girl with the Orvis group.) Hope to see you there!