New VT Chronicles on Chi Wulff

Tramadol For Sale Cheap by Fire Girl Jess on April 15, 2014

Dave Perkins, Orvis Vice Chairman, gives the rescue rope toss a go at the Guide Olympics. Dave Perkins, Orvis Vice Chairman, gives the rescue rope toss a go at the Guide Olympics. I’m posting this a few days late… Orvis work took me to the West Branch of the Delaware River this past weekend to teach Fly Fishing 101, mingle, and fish a bit.  Report and images to come soon. In the meantime, give the latest Vermont Chronicles post on Chi Wulff a read!

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Twenty-something years ago, that was me. Good parenting all around. Twenty-something years ago, that was me. Good parenting all around.  The daughter of Pat Kane, Orvis 2014 Guide of the Year, plays at the Down the Hatch Fly Fishing Festival in Caras Park, Missoula, Motana.

Order Tramadol Online India Still delving through images from the Orvis Guide Rendezvous.  I have a few hours this evening to whack out contest entries, answer editors, balance freelance clients and pack for a weekend trip to New York to teach Fly Fishing 101 classes at a fishing festival.

Buying Tramadol In Mexico Once more, one change of clothes, with the rest of the space reserved for camera and fishing gear.

go here Rollin’ hard and fast.  Makes me happy.

enter site Windows are open in the apartment for the first time since I moved in, and we had an impromptu “Spring Celebration” at the Orvis HQ this afternoon involving beer, wine, and sunshine. There was one little hardy pile of snow left in the grass and I think we all wished a pox on it. Look for a report from this weekend’s event soon, and be sure to check out Chi Wulff on Sunday for a full report on OGR!

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Casting rods at Caras Park, with a party to one side and the Clark Fork River to the other.

enter Casting rods at Caras Park, with a party to one side and the Clark Fork River to the other.

source I haven’t had time to sit down and write out a real blog post about the Orvis Guide Rendezvous and Down the Hatch Festival, though rest assured a text-heavy blog post will be coming your way soon. I’m back in Manchester for three days  in the office before heading out to the Delaware River in New York State for the Hell or High Water event at West Branch Angler. A group of Orvis-ites are going over to teach 101 classes and get a bit of fishing in ourselves. The season is off with a bang. Montana, as always, was epic, and it was fantastic to catch up with old friends, make new ones, do (a lot of) business, and fish the Missouri. I finally was able to wet a line Sunday on the ‘Mo and had a good day on the water despite heavy winds. Something about heathy, fat fish makes me very happy, and I grinned when two of my three brown trout of the day were little, healthy guys. I’d almost rather see them than the big boys (there was one of those too…) as it means the fishery will be pumping for years to come. More coming soon, I promise.

Shawn Combs, Orvis rod wizard, on the oars of the Orvis Adipose. Shawn Combs, Orvis rod wizard, on the oars of the Orvis Adipose.

Starting the kids right. Chasing fly lines as anglers cast. Starting the kids right. Chasing fly lines as anglers cast in Caras Park.

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Street art by the Clark Fork River, Missoula, Montana.

source site Street art by the Clark Fork River, Missoula, Montana. MT_Missoula_3Boots on the ground (again) in Missoula. I drove by my old apartment (eerie), hit up the old outdoor store (the Trailhead) to ogle new Patagonia and bought a super-charged latte. Then headed over to the river. I used to live in Missoula, and spent a lot of very formative hours taking morning runs alongside the Clark Fork before heading to the three different jobs I held at the time. It’s very weird to be back, and kind of fun to stand in the same spot I did five years ago and think of the mileage that’s passed.

follow site More mileage than years, I reckon. The hotel and downtown are both crawling with fishy-looking folk in down jackets and trucker hats. We laughed last summer on the Missouri about the “trout guy” uniform, and it still holds true. Matter of fact, it’s rather homey.

follow link Tomorrow night officially kicks off the Orvis Guide Rendezvous. Looking forward to catching up with some old friends and making new ones. { 4 comments }

Missouri River from the Craig Bridge.

source The Missouri River from the Craig Bridge. Back in Montana for the Orvis Guide Rendezvous. I headed up to Craig this afternoon to chat with the good guys at Headhunters and catch up a bit. Felt, in a weird way, kind of like coming home. Great to see the rivers — the Blackfoot, the Dearborn and, of course, the mighty ‘Mo. Great to see bighorn sheep, elk and mule deer. And always great to see old friends and old turf. Not much time to write now, but more will come. It’s going to be a busy week and the camera has officially come back to work.

Small town Montana.

By Tramadol Online Uk Small town Montana. { 4 comments }

Headhunters Fly Shop, Craig, Montana. Headhunters Fly Shop, Craig, Montana.

I’m getting ready to hit the road for a week of work, meeting, network, Orvis fly fishing goodness and photography.

Back home in Montana.

Looking forward to the first morning back home; breathing in some mountain air and laying eyes on some mountains and Western water once more.

Also looking forward to a day of flights tomorrow; people watching in airports is one of life’s small pleasures.

Montana readers, I’ll be in Missoula the large part of this week and in Caras Park for an event on Saturday — feel free to hunt me out and say hi!  Heading up to the old stomping grounds of Craig and the Missouri River on Sunday for a day of fishing.  Hope to see some of you this coming week!

Read more about it here on Chi Wulff.

Packing for a week of work.

Packing for a week of work.


Vermont Chronicles – The (New) Gear Edition

by Fire Girl Jess on March 23, 2014

Another Vermont Chronicles post up on Chi Wulff. I’m looking froward to turning this series from a lifestyle series to more of a fishing series (it is Chi Wulff, after all) and we’ll be back in the fly fishing world starting on 1 April.

Translation: the trip to the Orvis Guide Rendezvous in Montana is nearing, and the weeks afterwards are filled with fly fishing events in the northeast. The season is about to start, and I’m planning to hit it hard.

In other news, I’m spending the weekend camped out in FGP headquarters whacking out photography contest entries and grant applications. I’ve written so many artists statements I dreamed about them last night. Whittling down the prior year’s images to a “top 20” is always an interesting – and lengthy – process, and it’s a weird amalgamation of US Army basic training, fly fishing with Yvon Chouinard, Bozeman sunsets and life on the Missouri River front.

It’s been a hell of a year. Hoping the next one throws even more my way.