A snowy winter's hike clears the mind.

Tramadol Buy Cheap A snowy winter’s hike clears the mind.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=exx7zgz8jdh I was able to escape the clutches of the computer last week and go for a short walk in the woods with a friend.  Nothing like fresh air and a bit of wilderness to refresh the soul.

Cheapest Tramadol Next Day Delivery It’s been a busy week here.  Writing all over the place.

source link At work: Naming product.  Writing copy. Meetings.  More meetings. Writing.  More Writing.

https://www.yolascafe.com/q0c3fex Writing makes the soul happy.

see At Fire Girl HQ, more writing.  Photo processing.  Batching together new pitches of old stories that never made it to press.  Pitching.  Yoga.  Planning.  Plotting.  Hot, very black tea.

see Yeah, that kind of week.

source link Had a good, long discussion with a friend who has traveled the world with a camera – in and out of war zones, conflict areas and zones where the line between life and breath is often very grey.  It was inspiring, a good reminder of why I got into this business.  We photograph to make people see, we realized while talking via Skype, literally a world apart.  We both talked about how it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of life and how we need to shake things up, refresh viewer’s minds and their visions.  His closing thought was the best photos he’s seen elicit violent reactions  – people smiling, crying, smoldering in rage.  At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about, he urged, to shake people out of their mindless 9-to-5s.

http://www.mscnantes.org/j5g1r2vm03p Take that for what it is – it will mean something different to each of you.  Just keep that drive to taste, see, experience.  Explore.

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United Church of Dorset. Dorset, Vermont.

Cheap Tramadol Online Cod United Church of Dorset. Dorset, Vermont.

https://www.mreavoice.org/vp2ybbahv91 Head on over to Chi Wulff and read the latest installment of The Vermont Chronicles!

Get Tramadol Online This week’s title?  “In Which it Snows.”

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Dave Delisi works his magic in Sweetgrass Rod's workshop. Twin Bridges, Montana.

source url Dave Delisi works his magic in Sweetgrass Rod’s workshop. Twin Bridges, Montana.

follow url It’s been a busy week, both on the “day job” side and the Fire Girl side.  I was excited to hear “Cane Is Cool” – a feature about Sweetgrass Bamboo Rods in Twin Bridges, Montana finally made it to press in the Fly Fishing Edition of The Big Sky Journal.  Pick one up or check out the web version here.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/whbi2spx I can’t thank the Sweetgrass guys enough for letting myself and Headhunter Fly Shop’s John Arnold hang around for a day last spring.  They were more than accommodating, and it was nothing short of awe-inspiring to see the love and dedication they put into their work.  If you are ever in the area, be sure to stop by their Twin Bridges HQ.

Order Tramadol Canada Another article hit the streets this week – “The Yellowstone Mandate” in American Angler.  This is a big piece.  I’ve been getting a considerable number emails every day about it, and I’ve seen a few web forums that have cropped up on the subject.  A couple blogs have even ran posts talking about the piece and the issues.  Letters are even flying around to state representatives and certain unnamed politicians in D.C.  You can catch some of the discussion here.  Please feel free to email me personally or write into American Angler go here lots of chatter around this one.

https://danivoiceovers.com/kplvyzs Huge thanks to the editors of American Angler for assigning the piece, and to each of the men I spoke with throughout the course of the article.  This piece came together during a cross-country move, and I well remember two interviews that took place in the parking lot of a Texas storage unit.  Another in the back room of an outdoor retailer.  Funny how the little things stick in your mind.

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/gmumqg6a So pick up some magazines, all.  Let me know what you think.

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https://www.yolascafe.com/bwojc4luvjm In response to urging from several directions, I’ve started up a new series on the popular fly fishing blog Chi Wulff.  Last summer I wrote the “Dispatches from Craig” series, which need up being a fun and rather enlightening weekly series to write.  Somehow it’s easier to laugh at how weird your life is when it’s jotted down on a paper in front of you.

https://dcinematools.com/rdei1x5qh6x And it’s just another excuse to lug the camera everywhere I go.

https://purestpotential.com/hpgciha7q So, on that note, today marks the first posting of “The Vermont Chronicles” (now there’s a series I never thought I’d be writing!)  Head on over to Chi Wulff and check it out.  Fishing content will be light for a few weeks until the season really kicks off, but come prepared for fishing and photo talk, accompanied by stories of this rather odd life.

http://www.mscnantes.org/8wo5omb6v Thanks for reading!

https://geolatinas.org/9fcoc10ud { 2 comments }

Sunday Thought: Looking

Tramadol Uk Buy by Fire Girl Jess on February 9, 2014

Searching on the Puget Sound.

go here Searching on the Puget Sound.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/b276ayi0ao “… it is not fly fishing if you are not looking for answers to questions.”

watch -Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories

go { 2 comments }

Checking In

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/gjfv9i2 by Fire Girl Jess on February 8, 2014

It's just ben that kind of week.

https://www.elevators.com/ssugkm91z It’s just been that kind of week.

Another week has flown by in the land of Vermont. We had a reasonable snow storm Wednesday – about a foot in town – which resulted in half the Orvis HQ office staying home and working remotely. I was the only one in my pod who showed up for work… it was like a reverse snow day.

Talk about skyrocketing productivity.

The week wrapped with a bang – lots of exciting projects and a plethora of writing on my plate.  I am working on honing my creative production / creative drive flow at the office, and still stand in awe at the mind-jarring potential in a cup of black coffee.

I’m slowly digging out from the pile of freelance work – have not missed a deadline yet, and don’t intend to.  The to-do list on the war board is slowly thinning, at least enough for me to feel okay about cutting out to hit the laundry mat today (first time in three weeks… bad chi.)  I’m to the point of finally looking for a couple of large projects to come to life in print – always exciting after a six-month lead time.

Heard a rumor my feature “The Yellowstone Mandate” is hitting a few select news stands in the March / April issue of American Angler.  Keep an eye out for it, folks.  This piece has been rattling people since its infancy, and I am fascinated to see what the public reaction will be.  (Judging from the two emails today from people who had just heard of the article, should be interesting.)

And there is always a running list of projects I need to pitch, stories I need to chase down.  Developing freelance resources and contacts in this side of the country is well proving to be a full-time job unto itself.

Here’s to buckling down and getting it done.  The heat is working (finally!) and I have a big mug of hot tea.

In other news, I have officially booked tickets for the Orvis Guide Rendezvous and “Down the Hatch” Fishing Festival in early April.  Going to be there?  Give me a shout and let’s catch up!  I’m certainly looking forward to seeing some old friends, and am heading back up to old stomping grounds in Craig on April 6.

These coming two months are going to fly by.

I still wake up every morning and wonder where the hell I am.  I was mapping a project this afternoon and stopped to just look at the physical placement of Vermont.  Never in my wildest imaginings did I ever dream of living in the northeast.  I feel very removed from my western home country, but in the end the adventure, the newness, is always a push that surpasses the pull of home.

And I guess it just goes to show, you should never say “never.”


“Do It With Passion or Not At All”

by Fire Girl Jess on February 2, 2014

Passion sometimes collides with work… if we work for it.

Passion sometimes collides with work… if we work for it.

I was perusing a local bookstore this afternoon and came across a card bearing the simple saying: “Do It With Passion or Not At All.”

Being me, I turned around right then and there and bought it.  And now it’s on the wall above my folding table desk at home.

Because, really, there is no point in doing much of anything unless you feel a strong burning itch inside about it.  Absolutely the most brilliant people I know regularly leave people with shaking heads in their wake.  It’s the people who really burn for something – who are driven and have passion for their work, for life – that, in the end, we all want to be around.

The people who lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, trying to marshal their thoughts into some kind of order so they can bloody sleep.

Throughout my travels of the past several years, I’ve been extremely fortunate to meet and work with a few people who genuinely have passion for what they do.  You know who you are.  I can name off a handful of people in Texas, a few in Montana and one notable instance in Russia.  Folks who get up each day with a smirk and tackle life head on.  And, yeah, we’ve nursed a few wounds over drinks after a day where life royally kicked our butts (quite literally, a few times).  It happens.

But, you know, they got up the next day and did it all over again.

So thanks, guys (and gals).  You’re an inspiration every day, and a good reminder that life is a hell of a lot more fun if you go after it and pursue it with a passion.

And that’s my random, chai-driven ramble of the weekend.  In other news, all is well here in Vermont.  We’ve emerged from the deep freeze, the fly fishing women of Orvis HQ gathered this week for the first “official” shuffleboard night (there are four of us… a massive group) and the Subaru hasn’t exploded (yet).

So cheers to another upcoming week, all.  Get after it.