Two officers talk during the planning of a night training session, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. Two officers talk during preparation for a night training session, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.

click here The day dawned just like any other here in the Washington winter.  Cool, cloudy, plain.  I didn’t give it’t give it much thought, lacing up the running shoes and heading out the door to get a run in before settling down to work.  Veteran’s Day was on my mind as I fell asleep last night, and once more when I woke up.

Purchase Tramadol Overnight In the past eighteen months the military keeps popping up in places I least expect it.  My best comrades on the Russian tundra last summer were all ex-military.  This past summer, I worked with a few Project Healing Waters crews while on the Missouri, writing features and trying my best to keep myself in the loop.  At the end of September, I had one of the most incredible experiences of my life when I was selected to be one of a handful of journalists to go spend a week on Ft. Leavenworth and Ft. Leonard Wood, learning the ins-and-outs of media interaction with the military.

follow link All these experiences have done nothing more than increase my awe at the men and women of our armed forces.  I laid awake in barracks one night at Ft. Leonard Wood after interviewing several young recruits in their first week on post.  They were intelligent, eager and proud to be doing something with their lives.  They were driven.  Something that’s missing in so many people these days.  It gave me hope. They had a mission.  And a newfound family. And they were willing to undergo all manner of sacrifices for their country and that new family.  I can’t begin to explain how that made me feel.  I felt like I’d gotten a glimpse into something far bigger than I could’ve ever imagined.

source url A most heartfelt thanks to the men and women of the U.S. military, veterans, active, reserve and guard.  Because of you, we can sleep safely at night knowing the sheepdogs are on guard against the wolves.

click Midway through my run this morning, I found myself running alongside two middle-aged men who had a distinctly military look about them.  Hyper fit, buzz cuts, alert.  We fell into pace together, and chatted (they talked, I puffed).  Basic things.  The weather.  Training.  The military.  They had just returned from a deployment and were working out together in their off time in an effort to settle back into a routine.  Both men were courteous, professional and friendly… and surprisingly open.  Our paths soon diverged, and I cut off down the trail as they continued onwards with a nod.

see I grinned as a sprinted through my last few hundred yards.  There are still good people in this world, and, thankfully, the U.S. Armed Forces seem to be home to many. Thanks, guys.

Moving on faith.  A recruit crosses the rope bridge on the endurance obstacle course.  Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.

go to link Moving on faith. A recruit crosses the rope bridge on the endurance obstacle course. Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.

see { 4 comments }

Fire Girl Hits Italy

follow link by Fire Girl Jess on November 10, 2013

follow Screen Shot 2013-11-10 at 8.53.56 AMIt’s been a kayaking year, as evidenced by my latest piece in The Drake, and I’m very excited to have some Fire Girl work appear in an Italian publication.  When Alfio Elio Quattrocchi, publisher of the Italian online kayak fly fishing magazine Kayakero contacted me and asked if I would be interested in being featured in an issue, it was an easy call. Alfio put together a nice spread – you can check it our starting on page 106.  There are all kinds of good features in this issue, and I’m excited to be aboard.

follow Thanks, Alfio, for the press! { 2 comments }

Fall on the Puget Sound by Fire Girl Jess on November 2, 2013

Loading logs onto an oceangoing freighter at Budd Bay.  Note the men on top of the log piles. Loading logs onto an oceangoing freighter at Budd Bay. Note the men on top of the log piles.

Tramadol To Buy Cheap FGP_Olympia_WA_Blog-5It’s a blustery and chilly day here in Olympia – the wind’s battering the house and I’m about to don my scarf and Patagonia wading jacket and make my way up across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and into Gig Harbor for a long day of business. The days are growing shorter – often I find myself outside running in the early dawn, the faint light made even more mute by stubborn fog that seems to make each step a small adventure all of its own.  A few days ago during such a run I found a neighborhood playground with a climbing rope; the discovery has been the undisputed highlight of my week.  I would always rather workout outside, and somehow the climbing rope, as little as it is, seems to relate to a lot in my life right now. The winter light is here – dull and washed out and waning.  I’m wrapping up a few projects, chasing others and always keeping a keen eye open for the next adventure; the next story.  I’ve thrown a lot onto the metaphorical wall over the past six weeks, and I’m interested to see what falls off and what sticks.

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follow url Thanks to the good crew over at Cowboys & Indians, I just found out the artist feature they ran on me in 2011 is now online.  Thanks to Holly Henderson for a lovely write-up!

follow Give it a read here. { 0 comments }

SUP.  Montana.  Summer.  Thanks to Jake Gates for the photo. SUP. Montana. Summer. Thanks to Jake Gates for the photo.

Coupon Code For Tramadol Online I keep getting emails from comrades and friends across the States, talking about a feature that ran in this fall’s issue of The Drake.  I haven’t been able to track down a copy myself, but am excited to take a peek.

go here (Hint, hint… think fishing in a Diablo stand up paddle board / kayak on Montana’s Holter Lake.  For carp.  It was epic.)

source link Sometimes, in the middle of summer in one of the best trout towns in the world, you need a break from the trout.  And with Jake Gates as a stellar angler / model / Buff pirate, the photos promised to be strong.  We took a shared day off from Headhunters HQ, grabbed the boats and ran.

follow link The end result can be seen in The Drake.

Order Tramadol Us To Us Feedback continues to trickle in on the “Water Wars” feature in the current feature of American Angler.  It’s generating lots of chatter – something it was designed to do.

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The care of the Madison is a topic close to the hearts of many anglers and Montanans.  The purpose of journalism is to inform and to encourage independent thought.  Get after it.

Here is Washington, things continue to swirl.  I’m working to find my feet out here, and, as sometimes happens, finding the oddest – and coolest – contacts in the strange places.  I’m still living out of a duffel bag (Hey, I’ve done it for the past 18 months.  I won’t know what to do when I pull my stuff from storage in Texas.  Someday.) and rolling with the punches.

Every day is an adventure.  Here’s to living light and living hard.

Exploring abandoned buildings in Tacoma.

Exploring abandoned buildings in Tacoma.


Northwest Scenics

by Fire Girl Jess on October 21, 2013

A foggy morning on the outreaches of Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

A foggy morning on the outreaches of Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

As I’m trying to sort things out after putting boots on the ground in Seattle, I find myself driving quite a bit.

Into town (Seattle).

To Portland (for Krav Maga – oh so worth it, and the highlight of my time here so far).

To Issaquah (business meetings).

To Gig Harbor (more meetings and scouting).

Rinse and repeat.

Lots of driving and trying to make the connections that make this business work.  In the meantime, however, I’ve continued the Fire Girl tradition of taking photos from the road.

It’s a bit different scenery than the Missouri River front.

A foggy dawn drive across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

A foggy dawn drive across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.


American Angler Feature: Water War on the Madison

by Fire Girl Jess on October 16, 2013

1390698_10151897229584827_565336445_nThe good guys over at American Angler sent over a copy of the November / December issue, and I was excited to see a piece I’ve been working on for a while finally make it to print.  “Troubled Water” details the management and flow issues Montana’s Madison river has seen in 2013.

“One of Montana’s most iconic trout fisheries survived the summer of 2013 bruised and battered.  Have we learned anything from that experience?”

Thanks to a team of exceptional men in the Montana fly fishing industry, as well as representatives from PPL Montana, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and other organizations who were generous with their time and knowledge as I researched and wrote the article.

I remember one interview in particular… a man who I had been hounding for three weeks finally called when I was having a cavity filled in the dentist’s chair.  I yanked the gauze out and took the call.

The dentist is a fly fisherman, so he got it.

I took another interview sitting on the porch of Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig, dodging rain that kept blowing onto my notepad.

Sometimes you just have to get the job done.

Huge thanks especially to Mike Lum of the Madison River Fishing Company in Ennis and Joe Moore of Big Sky Anglers in West Yellowstone.  These guys were instrumental in helping with this piece.  True professionals.

Shortly after this piece went to press, PPL Montana was bought out by Northwestern Energy.  I’ll be interested to see how Montana’s hydroelectric dams are handled by the new owners.  Here’s to a better year on the Madison in 2014, and a quick finish to Hebgen Dam.