The 2013 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks Company prepares for their debut performance of Henry V in Bozeman, Montana. The 2013 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks Company prepares for their debut performance of Henry V in Bozeman, Montana.

Andrea San Miguel wanders through the trees as she prepares.

go to site Andrea San Miguel wanders through the trees as she prepares. I had the great pleasure to be assigned to photograph Montana Shakespeare in the Parks once more on the opening night of their 40th anniversary last Wednesday night at Montana State University in Bozeman.  I shot the troupe in 2010 for The Big Sky Journal and have enjoyed the plays for years before that.

watch There’s something magical about Shakespeare, and that magic only multiplies when performed outside under a Montana sky.

source link It’s a fairly young group of actors this year and, as always, they performed with aplomb.  The play was Henry V, one of my personal favorites.  Nothing like the Saint Crispin’s Day speech to get the blood boiling.

Sean Driscoll as Henry V rallies his troops at the battle of Agincourt. Sean Driscoll as Henry V rallies his troops at the battle of Agincourt. Shooting theatre is always difficult.  Stage lighting is in no way conducive to traditional photography – lighting is often red or blue and obtaining a correct exposure is challenging.  Add to that the dimension of being outside on a stage, and things really become complicated. Using a few creative manual settings, a handmade filter and a little post-production goodness, the images from the performance are now in a cohesive, artistic series.  Using a grain filter to add a slightly off-focus and granulated look ages the images, and desaturating slightly draws focus to the shape and form of the actors, not merely the vibrant costumes and lighting. Don’t be shy about taking on difficult lighting. By shooting into the stage lighting, I was able to capture some compelling portrait shots of the actors, and moved around behind the set quite a bit to catch the light filtering well through the trees.

Tramadol Purchase Uk As always, experiment.  Find the photographic style that matches your creative eye and go for it.

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FGP on Patagonia’s Worn Wear

source by Fire Girl Jess on June 24, 2013 I was excited to see a few familiar faces and a rather familiar (and well-traveled) fleece on the Patagonia Worn Wear blog today – thanks to Pata for sharing a bit of my story!

Buy Genuine Tramadol Online Uk A bit of a retro start for the week… { 0 comments }

Pic of the Day: Spring Storm

enter site by Fire Girl Jess on June 18, 2013 Storm_SpringYou can’t create light like this on a computer.

source url This image is untouched, save for a little vignetting, from last night. Excuse me, I’m going to lie in the middle of the road and take pictures. { 0 comments } tip-the-big-hole-2013-logoI’m excited to announce that, teamed with Dry Fly Media, I am offering the grand prize at the upcoming “Tip the Big Hole” event held in Melrose, Montana.  Put on by the good folks over at the Big Hole Watershed Committee (BHWC), Tip the Big Hole asks guides to donate all of their tips earned on Saturday, June 22nd to the BHWC.

Real Tramadol Online The proceeds from the event will go toward annual fees associated with the USGS Big Hole River Real-Time stream gauges. This is a great, fresh idea and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.  Teamed with Dry Fly Media, we are giving away a video / photo promotional package to one lucky guide who participates in the event.

go here The Big Hole is a fantastic river, home to event more fantastic people, and I’m excited to be able to help in this little way.

go site So, fellow anglers, spread the word.  Tell your friends.  Tell your guides.  Tell that guy in the coffee shop down the street with a Hatch sticker on his rig.

Order Tramadol Cod Only You can read more about Tip the Big Hole here. { 0 comments }

First Look at Yesterday’s Storm

Tramadol Mastercard by Fire Girl Jess on June 13, 2013

The incoming storm.  The rain can be seen on the road, moving towards the camera.

follow site The incoming storm. The rain can be seen on the road, moving towards the camera.

Tramadol Cheapest Price We had a pretty decent spring storm roll through yesterday, bringing rain, hail and high winds.

follow While I enjoyed the first part of the storm as I was out in the Fire Girl Suby chasing bad weather and capturing photos, the rest of the event was not so enjoyable.  Mopping up water pouring in through the (closed) windows and the roof of my apartment did, however, make for a memorable night. The entire night. I am, however, fortified by a Starbucks and the release of my latest article in American Angler, so there is nothing to do but keep on moving forward.


Last Two Days for Think Tank Photo Test Drive Program!

by Fire Girl Jess on June 12, 2013

The Think Tank Photo Retrospective series test drive program sign up closes on 15 June – only two more days to sign up and try a Retrospective series bag for free!

Camera bags are a personal decision, but I can’t rave enough about my Retrospective 40.  Today it spent the morning in the fly shop with me, and the afternoon chasing after severe thunderstorms in the Montana brush.  Any bag that can keep up with me and make my job easier makes me happy.

Read about the test drive program here:

With the Test Drive program you get to try out any of Think Tank’s very popular Retrospective go here ® soft shoulder bags for 30 days for free!  Should the shoulder bag meet your needs, then your credit card will be charged at the close of the trial period.  Should it not meet your needs, return it within the Test Drive time period and your card won’t be charged.  The Retrospective series was created as an homage to classic photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank.  Designed for the photographer who wants to remain inconspicuous in any situation, its “old-school” look mixes with “new-school” features giving tribute to the days when bags were visually simple but highly functional.  It comes in nine models and three colors.  This offer is good only on shipments to U.S. addresses.

Use this link to sign up for the test drive!

source Retrospective Test Drive


Spring transitions into summer in Big Sky Country.

Spring transitions into summer in Big Sky Country.

This update is a bit late due to issues on the home front, but give the latest “Dispatches From Craig” post on Chi Wulff a read!

Also, if you are in the mood for some fly fishing-gear-goodness, give yesterday’s The Headhunter post a quick read.

Commercial and editorial projects are booking up for summer and fall – it should be a good season.