Take a Moment to Remember

Can I Get Tramadol Online by Fire Girl Jess on June 6, 2013

https://www.yolascafe.com/kj0ueeo d023401Sixty-nine years ago, nearly 160,000 Allied troops landed on hostile soil in Normandy.

follow They didn’t have the technology we have today.  There were no digital maps detailing enemy positions, no NVGs, no satellite phones.  No easy way to communicate back home to speak with friends and family, save for post service which could take months to arrive back home

source url These men and women undertook the one of largest military campaign in modern history, one which still draws awe today.

https://geolatinas.org/0re706f Before the D-Day invasion began, General Eisenhower summed up the mission of the Allies in these two sentences: “You are about to embark upon the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you…I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.”

https://purestpotential.com/44btt1c And he was right.

get link From the perspective of a photographer, I look at photographs such as the morning of in simple awe.  The story within the frame is captivating, and somehow I have absolutely no doubt the story outside the frame is even more so.

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/cd5t0l4xg1 So, thanks to our men and women serving both in the past in present day, and to the photographers who make it their life mission to document that sacrifice.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=qlzkl38z { 1 comment }

5 Tips for Dating a Journalist

source by Fire Girl Jess on June 5, 2013

https://lpgventures.com/v6n2vx4i Okay, this is a bit off the wall.  But it’s all well and due, thanks to several recent conversations.  (And it’s just damn fun.)

http://www.mscnantes.org/g6eqfbt And I need a mental break from fish and guides and the whole Montana lot.

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/g2ejcipop7u So, thanks to the mighty Tom Chambers for the following:

5 things you should know before dating a journalist

click So, you’ve been eyeing that smart, attractive journalist you’re lucky enough to know personally. You’re intrigued. Your journalist is smart, funny, confident. Visions of Clark Kent taking off the glasses and ripping off his clothes to reveal a perfectly toned body in blue spandex coming to save you run through your head.

follow link Who can blame you? Journalism is a sexy occupation.

follow url But journalists aren’t like the bimbos you usually pick up at the bar. Nor are they the assholes you ladies continually fall for. No, journalists are different beings (which is why you’re attracted to them in the first place), and you should realize — before jumping in — that this isn’t going to be a run-of-the-mill, boring, lame relationship you’re used to.

see Here’s what you need to know:

https://www.marineetstamp.com/6wv6sqcecdj 1   https://www.elevators.com/7r1y3r3wg2 We can figure things out. Understand, we’re paid to dig deep, find the secrets and wade through bullshit. We can pick up on subtleties, so what you think you are hiding from us won’t be hidden for long. Sure, we’ll act surprised when you eventually tell us you starred in German porn as a freshman in college — but we already knew.

watch We don’t take shit from anyone, so don’t lie to us or give a load of bullshit. We spend all day separating fact from fiction, listening to PR cronies and dealing with slimy politicians. If you make us do the same with you, you’re just gonna piss us off. And don’t think we’ll be quiet about it. We’ll respond with the vengeance of an Op-Ed page railing against society’s injustices — and we’ll enjoy doing it.

click here Just tell us the truth. We can handle it.

follow url 2   https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/l4x7eg4 At some point, you will be a topic. Either through a feature story or an opinion column, something you do or say will be a subject. Get over it. Consider it a compliment, even if we’re arguing against you in print.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/d0epwrtcm Think about it: we live our lives writing about life. If you’re a part of our life, we’re going to write about you, your thoughts or a subject springing from one of the two.

Tramadol Sales Cheap Don’t be upset when an argument against your adoration of Hillary Clinton turns up on page A4. We’re not directing the writing at you, personally — your ignorance was just our inspiration (there, doesn’t that make you feel better?).

see 3   follow url Yes, we think we’re smarter than you. In fact, we know it. Does that smack of ego? Absolutely — but that confidence is what makes your heart go pitter-patter.

Tramadol Buying Uk We have a strong, working knowledge of how the world works. That makes us great in conversation. We can delve into the intricacies of zoning laws, local and national politics, where to find the good restaurants, what’s happening with pop culture, where the good bands are playing and more.

https://lpgventures.com/whqdu8kjo But there are pitfalls.

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/tss4iffty Guaranteed, when you say “towards,” we will automatically say “toward” — “towards” is not a word. We’re not trying to call you dumb (even though you don’t understand the English language), it’s habit. The same will happen when you say “anxious” when you mean “eager” and when you answer “good” when someone asks how you are doing.

https://danivoiceovers.com/9hhs7zy We carry ourselves with a certain arrogant air. Embrace it (that’s what attracted you to us in the first place, after all). Don’t be surprised if we’re not impressed when you say, “I’m a writer, too.” No, you are not. The fact that you sit in a coffee shop wearing black while scribbling in your journal does not make you a writer. Nor does the fact that you “wrote some poems in high school” or that one day you want to pen “the great American novel.”

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/481o2s6sy Look, we’re paid to write. Every day. What’s more, our writing matters. It changes opinions, affects decisions and connects people with the world around them.

https://penielenv.com/19ca8licsjg We’re not spewing our angst or trying to fabricate an aura of creativity. We write about the real world — with real consequences.

go here Our words go through three or four cranky editors who make us rewrite before it’s printed a few hundred thousand times and distributed all over town. You don’t do that unless you’re confident, even egotistical.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/w7laxexo You may have some great journal entries, poems and rudimentary short stories — good for you. Just don’t assume we’ll accept that as on par with what we do (unless you’re really hot, then hell, you’re a better writer than I).

click 4   https://alldayelectrician.com/a4dn779 You’re not less important than the job — the job is just more important than anything else. One doesn’t become a journalist to sit in an office from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.

We do take our work home. If news is happening, we’ll drop whatever we’re doing — even if it’s with you — to cover it. We’re always looking for stories, so yes, we’ll stop on the street to write something down, interview a passer-by or gather information for a lead.

On that same note, don’t get upset if you call us on deadline suggesting some afternoon nookie and we say, “I’ve got to put the paper to bed first.” That could mean hours from now, but we’ll have plenty of time to put you in bed later.

5   enter site You won’t be disappointed. Journalists are intense, driven, passionate folk. We carry those same attributes into our relationships, making it an extremely fun ride well worth the price of admission. Our lives are never boring and each day is different.

If the pitfalls are scaring you away, consider this:

The fact that we’re inquisitive means we’ll listen to you. Even if it does seem like an interview, we’re paying attention to what you have to say (see rule No. 1).

We’ll write about you or your thoughts because you’re an important part of our life and we care about you (see rule No. 2).

Our brains are a great resource. Ever go on a date with an attractive person and wind up wishing you hadn’t because everything they say is just, well, stupid? That’s not going to happen here (see rule No. 3).

Yes, it may seem that we put the job ahead of you, but we’re driven. You’re not with that loser whose life is going nowhere and who’s completely content being mediocre (see rule No. 4).

There you go, five things you should know before dating a journalist. Feel free to add to the list, point out where I’ve missed something or leave a comment.

{ 1 comment }

Read the latest “Dispatches From Craig” post on Chi Wulff -it’s been a busy (and productive) week behind the camera!


Spring Float on the ‘Mo

by Fire Girl Jess on May 30, 2013

Beautiful start to the day.

Beautiful start to the day.


Violet holds down the fort while we fish.

I had the opportunity to escape the shop and my computers and spend a very-much-needed day on the river yesterday with Zack of Swing the Fly magazine, his girlfriend Kelly and their two labs, Pate and Violet.

In true Montana spring fashion, in an eight-hour float we had sun, rain, clouds, wind and calm.  The goslings, ducklings and calves were out in full force, as were the fish.

You can’t beat a day on the water with new friends.  Many thanks to Zack and Kelly for letting me tag jump in!


Zack and Kelly discuss strategy for approaching a pod of risers.


... A strategy which paid off.

… A strategy which paid off.


5 Parks, the Backcountry and Native Fish on Vimeo

by Fire Girl Jess on May 28, 2013

5 Parks, the Backcountry and Native Fish from Dry Fly Media on Vimeo.

Short little video pitching my idea to the Outside Magazine editors for their Outside Adventure Grant.

National parks.

Native fish.

Backcountry adventure.

A cross-country road trip.

Camera gear.

I’m going down a road less traveled with this idea… let me know what you think!


Ponoi_Fly_FusionFly Fusion magazine of Canada has just released their Summer 2013 issue, and I’m pleased to announce that a Fire Girl photo essay is one of the featured pieces.

While I have yet to actually lay hands on a copy (here in the Wild West our mail is a wee bit slow) some fellow photographers sent over a few iPhone pics of the piece.  I’m excited to see this work in print, and believe there will be a few more Ponoi pieces yet to come with different publications.

Give it a read and let me know what you think!


Fire Girl on Video – What’s In Your Bag?

by Fire Girl Jess on May 25, 2013

What’s In Your Bag? Jess from Fire Girl Photography from Dry Fly Media on Vimeo.

I had the chance a few days ago to film this little short with the Dry Fly Media team.  It’s the fun start of a little series, featuring my daily carry bag as I run around here here on the Missouri River.

Suffice to say, it’s rather odd to be on the other side of the camera!