In celebration of spring being well on its way (theoretically, at least), the guys over at Think Tank are offering a few special deals to help prep for the summer season.

  • see Free Shipping! – For the month of May all orders placed on their website or by phone will be shipped for free, with no minimum order amount.
  • source url Free 15” Laptop Bag with every order of the popular Airport Rolling Camera Bags Tramadol 50Mg To Buy !  Think Tank’s rolling camera bags are renowned for their durability, security systems, and sizing so that they can be carried on board airlines, as opposed to you having to check your valuable gear at the gate.  Sizes range from the  follow url Airport Security, which fits on board domestic flights and holds a 600mm lens unmounted or a 500 f/4, 400 f/2.8 and smaller lenses mounted to a pro-size camera body, to the Airport TakeOff combination roller and backpack, which fits on international and domestic flights and holds up to 400 f/2.8 and other assorted lenses or two pro or regular size DSLR bodies with or without lenses attached.

Tramadol Sverige Online You can use this link to access these deals.  Friends of Fire Girl will also receive a free gift with each purchase. { 0 comments } FGP_DaysI’m sitting here in my one chair in the apartment – a metal folding affair recently purchased from Costco – feet propped up on the cot, and watching the snow falling outside my window. That’s May (or almost May) in Montana for you.  It’s supposed to be sunny and nearly seventy later in the week. I have a few hours before I head into the metropolis of Craig, and have been up since 0530h writing and sending out emails.  Fueled by a strong cold-brewed coffee (Copper Door all the way, thanks Sinjin!) it’s been a productive morning.

Tramadol Online Mastercard I was thrilled that the team over at Moldy Chum picked up my Expedition Portal piece a few days ago, and Chi Wulff ran a few images yesterday in addition to the regular weekly Dispatches from Craig post on Sunday. It’s been a productive few days behind the camera.  Shuttling rigs has produced a few photo opportunities, despite seemingly rather irritable weather and busy runs. FGP_Days-5Noticed these sheep hanging out across from the Mid Canon takeout yesterday, and the next time I drove by, no more than twenty minutes later, they had moved on.

click People laugh, but there is a reason I tote my damn camera bag everywhere.  You never know when the opportunity to make an image will crop up.  Things come together at unexpected times, and you don’t want to be the one wishing for a camera in hand. In this business, I’ve also found if I have ten minutes waiting fora  ride to pick me up while shuttling, that is just enough time to scramble down the bank to the river or to crawl up under a trailer to shoot a few images. And look at that.  Sun breaking through the snow. { 2 comments }

Scotsmen Rory Paterson and Angus Walton during a hike-in trip on Russia's Purnache River.

enter Scotsmen Rory Paterson and Angus Walton during a hike-in trip on Russia’s Purnache River.

Order Tramadol From Canada The good guys over at the Expedition Portal posted a piece of mine this morning. Titled “Of Vodka and Salmon: my Life in Russia’s Kola Peninsula,” it’s a thousand-word essay about last year’s adventure across the globe. Always fun to be on ExPo – I love what that crew is doing.

here Go give it a read!

enter site { 0 comments } Music_SXSWI understand the title of this post likely raised some eyebrows.  Photographing music?  What? What happened to the fishing? Truth be told, I’m not strictly an outdoor / fishing photographer and sometimes – for my own sanity – I need to think and work in the world beyond the river. While on assignment for various publications, I’ve had the opportunity to photograph several bands and musical events, including SXSW in Austin.  Musicians, like actors, are people I always look forward to working with as by nature they often are playful and theatrical.  Emotions are more easily expressed and, as such, they bring a lot to the camera.

follow site A few years ago, around this time of year, I was photographing Brite Futures in a Sixth Street bar in Austin during SXSW.  The lighting was abominable – a dim, dark bar with neon lights that appeared early on in the performance, highlighting the band’s retro-punk vibe.  Using a shoe-mounted flash, I was able to capture the “money shots” within the first set.

enter site The second set, the flash disappeared and I showed shutter speed and played with the neon lighting, loving the blurred, surreal feel it gave the images.  Surprise, surprise, these were the images the publisher ended up purchasing. Bottom line: never be afraid, once you have the shots you know you need, to hang around and play with the camera.  Don’t ditch and run off somewhere else. Music_SXSW_2Later in the day, I met up with the group for a fun photo session at a rooftop bar in Austin.  Nothing is quite as funky as the Austin music scene; something which artists tend to play up.

As a photographer, take advantage of the “funkiness” of subjects.  They will love it, and you’ll love the results.  Shed a bit of the rigidity and banter with the person on the other side of the lens.  Famous musician or not, odds are they are a little (or a lot) uncomfortable with posing for the camera.  Laugh, grin, and you’ll find it’s a positive experience for both parties.

The above group shot only took place after a series of rather staid portraits.  Finally I laughed and said “pretend you’re out there on the sidewalk and see someone rather sexy walk by.”

After a moment, this happened.


New Dispatches Post on Chi Wulff: Quiet Moments

by Fire Girl Jess on April 22, 2013


FGP_Boat_Pickup-2It’s been an odd week on the home front, and while things are progressing per normal at the shop, I’ve found myself needing a bit of solo planning time.

Too many projects in the works and not enough time.

(As I write this, I’m sipping a protein drink dinner letting new nail polish dry. As they say, there ain’t no rest for the wicked.)

An unexpected trip down to Bozeman took up my days off this week, and it ended up being a stellar change of scenery. I tend to immerse in projects and sometimes it helps to pull out for a moment and take a deep breath.

Last night brought an expected moment of quiet when I picked up a rental boat in Cascade after the work day. We had late customers in the shop, and by the time I was able to escape and make it downriver to pick up the boat, it was dusk. The ramp was quiet save for the wind and a few geese, and I enjoyed taking my time with the boat and just catching my breath for a minute.

Nothing like listening to a quiet riffle to calm the mind, and nothing like a few moments to work with the camera to make the soul happy.

View the original post here on Chi Wulff.


Thursday “Just Because”

by Fire Girl Jess on April 18, 2013

In Search of Yellow Perms from chroniclesofcod on Vimeo.

This is not a terribly new video; it’s been circulating a month or so, but I keep coming back to it again and again.  Kudos to the guys at Chronicles of Cod for going the distance, getting it done and compiling one of the better fly fishing-related vids I’ve seen in a very long time. Great example of documentarian videography in the fly fishing world, and a refreshing break from “fish porn.”

Sapphire waters, sand and sunburns look pretty damn awesome as we’re forecasted more snow this week here in the Wild West.


New Dispatches Post on Chi Wulff

by Fire Girl Jess on April 15, 2013

FGP_Mo_Morning_BridgeThe latest post the in “Dispatches From Craig” series ran yesterday on Chi Wulff.  Possibly worth a quick browse on this Monday morning…

We woke to several inches of new snow here this morning and temperatures in the 20s.

Here’s to thinking toward summer!