FGP_Lower_Float_HandFGP_Lower_Float_RainbowI took full advantage of a day of yesterday to float the lower section of the Missouri, from Pelican Point to Cascade.  The gang from Simms was in town, and several of us from the shop – owners John, Mark and Julie and guide Beth Hood, formed a three-boat flotilla for a day on the river and took the Simms guys out. In true Missouri spring fashion, the lower section of the river was rather breezy and we were all bundled up against the wind chill and cool temps.  Everyone got into some fish, and enjoyed a quiet boat lunch on the lee side of an island, blissfully out of the wind. Nymphs and streamers were productive.  Everyone was hoping for some dry fly action, but the wind and bright sun were not conducive to  fishing up on top. Post-float, the gang rendezvoused back at Headhunters, meeting up with much of the guide team and the rest of the shop crew for an evening of socializing and drinks.  I made it into Izaak’s for the first time – Craig’s finest dining and drinks – and look forward to many evenings there this summer.

Tramadol Online Pay With Mastercard This is a good crew. In other news, I wrote a few paragraphs for Chi Wulff’s Thirsty Thursday post today, and am tucking into an afternoon in front of the computer.

click The work never ends (and that’s a good thing!)FGP_Lower_FloatFGP_Lower_Float_TrioFGP_Lower_Float_Mark { 2 comments }

New Dispatches From Craig Post on Chi Wulff

see by Fire Girl Jess on April 7, 2013

The view this afternoon at Holter Dam.

here The view this afternoon at Holter Dam. Chi Wulff ran the latest post in my “Dispatches From Craig” series this morning.

click here Check it out for a glimpse inside life on the ‘Mo. { 0 comments }

First Float on the ‘Mo

Order Tramadol Online Legally by Fire Girl Jess on April 6, 2013

Sara Roholt showing off a nice Brown. Sara Roholt showing off a nice Brown.

Frosty morning at Headhunters.

go to site Frosty morning at Headhunters.

Angler Sara Roholt on the hunt in Brown Town. Angler Sara Roholt on the hunt in Brown Town. We’re wrapping up yet another week on the Missouri.  Tempus fugit, and all that. I was able to take full advantage of a day off Thursday and float from Mid Canon to Prewett with shopmate Sara and guide Kurt.  It was a cloudy, breezy day – no dramatic clouds and tough light for images, but good for fishing.  Had some takes on the first Skwala of the season, which got us all fired up for the coming dry fly months. And with snow once more in the forecast for the early part of next week, summer can’t come fast enough. A full report of the week’s adventures, joined my more images, will soon be posted on Chi Wulff.  The days have been filled with shuttles, fish, flies, dirt roads, fish, lunches on the road, fish, new clothing for the shop, and more fish. ‘Cause that’s just how it is up here.FGP_Mid_to_Prew_Missouri-3 { 2 comments } ExO_Review_DryflyliteThe team over at the Expedition Portal ran my first product review today.  I’ve written fly fishing pieces for the site (and will be doing more soon), and was excited to have the chance to review a piece of ExO gear that I’ve owned and abused for years. It’s easy to write about something that has become an indispensable piece of your kit.

get link This shirt has seen me through a four-month stint above the Russian tundra where I wore it kitting out guides in the morning, hopping Mi-8s on supply runs in the afternoon, and then to guest dinners in the evening.  It’s survived disaster relief training sessions in the south Texas brush, lasting three and four days of hiking, rolling in the dust, and crashing in tents.  I’ve met clients in the shirt, soaked it in water to cool down during hundred and ten degree climbing sessions, and fished all over the West.

Tramadol Online Fast Delivery You can read the full review here.

here { 0 comments }

Gearing Up for the Weekend

source site by Fire Girl Jess on March 29, 2013

Counter time in the shop.

Buy Cheap Tramadol Uk Counter time in the shop. It’s been progressively getting busier and busier at Headhunters (and on the Missouri River itself).  The long-time shop crew says this is as busy as they’ve seen it for this time of year, and on one run to Holter Dam today I counted no fewer than seven drift boats within sight of the Wolf Creek Bridge. Today we ran seventeen shuttles, and are anticipating an even busier few days with the holiday weekend. The best way to learn is to jump in feet first.  I’ve been doing so, fueled by some pretty awesome coffee I wrote about on Chi Wulff a few days ago.

see If you’re in the area drop on in and say hi!  If you see a shuttle girl jumping between rigs with a Patagonia sub divider boat bag over her shoulder, that would be me.  (Hey, the camera goes wherever I go.  It’s seen some… interesting vehicles over the past week.)

I'm not sure whose handiwork this is, but I can resonate with the 500th picture of the day bit.  And maybe the 'tool' bit.  Count Chocula... eh.... I’m not sure whose handiwork this is, but I can resonate with the 500th picture of the day bit.  And the blogging.  And maybe the ‘tool’ bit.  Count Chocula… eh…. Happy Easter, all.  Hope you are out fishing… or hiking, biking, skiing.  Whatever it is.  Just get out.


Post-Workday Quiet Time

by Fire Girl Jess on March 27, 2013

Mo_SunsetBusy day today and my mind was running a bit this evening.  Time for some quiet time on the river before heading home to write.

{ 1 comment }

Exploring the ‘Mo

by Fire Girl Jess on March 24, 2013

Craig_Missouri_River_Sunrise_GeeseI’ve been spending my days off driving the frontage road along the Missouri, memorizing sites of boat ramps (for driving shuttles) and just generally trying to familiarize myself with the river.

Despite a snowy day Friday and a seven degree morning yesterday, days have been beautiful and folks have been out on the water.  The temps, however, have prevented most from making their way to the river until late morning or early afternoon.  No sunrise starts this weekend.

I’ve been trying to give myself a 10-minute leeway on my drive in, so in case I see anything I absolutely must stop and photograph, I can.  It paid off yesterday with a beautiful sunrise and this pair of geese down by the Craig take out.

Despite the chill in the air, an unmistakable green tint is appearing underneath the grasses, and yesterday while shuttling I saw my first brand new lamb of the season.

Spring is on the way!