I keep coming back to this piece; have read it several times since it came out in 2011.

Tramadol Online Overnight Usa Great read with Bill Keller and two of the best photojournalists of our time.

watch Quote from Keller in the piece – from an editorial standpoint: “My angle on every subject is that it’s more complicated than you think. The job is to get people to look beyond the caricature and the stereotype and understand — or at least accept that there are other dimensions. Because that’s the beginning of when you start to understand things.”

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Rainy Day Work

Tramadol Hcl Online by Fire Girl Jess on February 28, 2013 Olympia_WaterI’d rather shoot in rain, snow and storms than sunshine any day of the week.  During a “weather” discussion today with another photographer, he cited the completely opposite opinion.

Buy 100Mg Tramadol Online I guess we each have our own favorites.

go site Give me rain, cold, wind, dramatic clouds… down and out miserable conditions.  Dramatic shots carry over emotion, and hard conditions – be they wet and cold, frigid and arctic, or hot and humid – help convey that emotion. As shameful as it is to post an Instagram shot, here’s one of the Puget Sound near Olympia this morning.  I was out early and couldn’t resist stopping on the point to enjoy some cloudy, drizzly goodness.

follow While I’m a river girl myself, there’s something simply awe-inspiring about looking over salt water and wondering what is swimming by just then in the depths.  I could lose myself for hours on a morning like this.

go In other news, I had several bits of exciting news today – more to come soon!

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Freelancing and Mobile Life

watch by Fire Girl Jess on February 26, 2013

On the move once more.  Ponoi River, Russia.

see url On the move once more. Ponoi River, Russia. Second morning to wake up in Seattle.  It’s partly sunny, partly drizzly, and in the 40s.  I slept with the bedroom window open.

Order Tramadol Cod Overnight Delivery I’m used to going full tilt, and find myself at a bit of a loss with a bit of down time.  While I’m told I need the time to rest and recover – namely kick a lingering stomach bug – I’m a bit edgy. Guess it will take a few days to take it down a notch. I’m keeping busy, though.  Spent the morning selling a freelance piece to a fly fishing magazine, interviewing for another, and setting up meetings while I’m here in Seattle.  Expedition Portal/Overland Journal tomorrow, Ex Officio Monday.

follow Just paid my rent in Montana for a month this morning.  I like this model.  Work hard, live cheaply and have the freedom to travel and explore.

get link I don’t mind living out of a suitcase (and, hell, it’s a Fishpond duffel!) if it means I have that freedom. { 4 comments } FGP_SubaruI’ve found I categorize my life less by what school I was in or what friends I had but instead by “which move” the time frame fell within.  I packed my life into boxes six times last year and, after trying the “normal” life here in Pinedale, I’m packing up once more.

see url The call of the road is simply too alluring right now, and I know I can always move back into a staff job when – and if – I ever have the desire to do so again.

follow site But for now I have a familiar feeling in my gut as I look around at my life packed into duffels, camera bags and a few surviving boxes.  Those boxes have seen more miles than many people I know.

enter site Time for another adventure, time to see what lies around the next bend.

here I had a newspaper-contact-come-friend surprise me with a call today, saying he was in town and asking if I wanted to meet for lunch.  Sitting across the table from someone who has done, frankly, exceedingly well in his own field, it was a good feeling to talk about future plans and the adventures ahead.  We resolved to stay in touch and ring if one was in the other’s area. People have varying reactions to this nomadic life.  By far the majority – including all my family save those closest – have told me I’m f&*$ing insane.  Some flat out, in those very words.  Others eye me speculatively and say, “damn I wish I could do that.”  A very, very select few get a knowing look in their eye and say “go for it.”

follow It’s a very select crew who “get it,” but those who do are worth their weight in gold.

Buying Tramadol Online Cod Tomorrow I work the morning here in the office and then hope to drive up to Bozeman in the afternoon.  I’ll be in the Bozone for a few days and then head over to the Olympic Peninsula for business meetings and photo shoots.  Back to Montana by the 11th or 12th, and then up to the Missouri to settle in for the next eight months. Once again, the Fire Girl Suby is going to be packed to the brim with odds and ends, and on the road. I know adventures – good and bad – lie ahead.  Off we go. { 4 comments } WY_winterI just got back in from a meeting in Big Piney, on the south side of Sublette County.  The drive down was at sunset, and I can never help but marvel at these striated rocks I pass on the way.  They stand out especially against the monochromatic white background this time of year. { 0 comments }

Bloody Week in Pinedale

Can U Get Tramadol Online by Fire Girl Jess on February 16, 2013


A ski racer pushes back up after an epic crash during a giant slalom competition.

It’s been a rather gruesome week here in little Pinedale. In four days we’ve had four fatalities and as I write this another air evac helicopter is just settling down at the clinic.

With rather basic medical facilities, emergencies are typically air lifted to Idaho Falls, the closest medical center of note.

The week, as could be expected, has been filled with a wide range of emotions throughout the community and, combined with the first week of the two local papers combined – and one editorial staff putting out both publications – it’s been exhausting.

Weeks bringing events like this are always touchy, and several of the local reporters won’t touch any of the incidents with a ten-foot pole.  But, at the end of the day, that’s our job.  To get the facts, present the details in a professional and clean manner.

Here’s to a less bloody week in Sublette County next week.


Another Project, Another Adventure, and More Trout

by Fire Girl Jess on February 11, 2013

McGlothlin_Fishing-6It’s been a rather mad few weeks here at the Wyoming outpost.  The newspaper is going through some rather iffy transitions, I’ve been offered a full-fledged editor’s job at another paper, and I’ve been offered to spend the season at the Headhunters fly shop on the Missouri River in Montana.

I’ve been faced with three pretty distinct choices – the first, to stay here in Wyoming; the second, move on and work a largely office job at another paper.  The third is to pack the bags once more and camp out on one of the best trout fisheries in the world for eight months, work with one of the best teams in the business, and continue to pursue a blossoming freelance career.

Take a wild guess at which one I’ve chosen.

Headhunters it is.  I’ll be joining the team in late March or April.  I leave the paper here in Pinedale at the end of February, and am heading up to Bozeman and then over to Seattle for DSLR video training and business meetings for several weeks.  (And, just maybe, some fishing!)

Things are cooking.  Things are coming out of the woodwork.  Things are coming together.

You can read a more thorough post here on Chi Wulff; I’ll be writing a weekly or bi-weekly column for the CW team from the ‘Mo this summer.

So here’s to change.  It can be uncomfortable and scary as hell, but I’d rather change, grow and experience than become stagnant.