I’ve found I categorize my life less by what school I was in or what friends I had but instead by “which move” the time frame fell within. I packed my life into boxes six times last year and, after trying the “normal” life here in Pinedale, I’m packing up once more.
see url The call of the road is simply too alluring right now, and I know I can always move back into a staff job when – and if – I ever have the desire to do so again.
follow site But for now I have a familiar feeling in my gut as I look around at my life packed into duffels, camera bags and a few surviving boxes. Those boxes have seen more miles than many people I know.
enter site Time for another adventure, time to see what lies around the next bend.
here I had a newspaper-contact-come-friend surprise me with a call today, saying he was in town and asking if I wanted to meet for lunch. Sitting across the table from someone who has done, frankly, exceedingly well in his own field, it was a good feeling to talk about future plans and the adventures ahead. We resolved to stay in touch and ring if one was in the other’s area. People have varying reactions to this nomadic life. By far the majority – including all my family save those closest – have told me I’m f&*$ing insane. Some flat out, in those very words. Others eye me speculatively and say, “damn I wish I could do that.” A very, very select few get a knowing look in their eye and say “go for it.”
follow It’s a very select crew who “get it,” but those who do are worth their weight in gold.
Buying Tramadol Online Cod Tomorrow I work the morning here in the office and then hope to drive up to Bozeman in the afternoon. I’ll be in the Bozone for a few days and then head over to the Olympic Peninsula for business meetings and photo shoots. Back to Montana by the 11th or 12th, and then up to the Missouri to settle in for the next eight months. Once again, the Fire Girl Suby is going to be packed to the brim with odds and ends, and on the road. I know adventures – good and bad – lie ahead. Off we go. { 4 comments }