The bag has Tardis-like capabilities, and seems to hold much more than it rightly should.

Tramadol Cheap Online The bag has Tardis-like capabilities, and seems to hold much more than it rightly should.

End pockets on the Retrospective 40.

Order Tramadol 180 Cod End pockets on the Retrospective 40. After working alongside a National Geographic photographer who swears by ThinkTank’s modular belt systems, I’ve kept an eye on the brand, quietly planning for day when I would add the next bag to my arsenal. I swear, people who think owning too many shoes are a problem have no idea.  The real threat is camera bags.  It’s all too easy to justify a new setup; something that would make the next job just a little bit easier.  I’m up to five bags now, and regularly rotate through the lot of them.  Not one goes unused for more than a week or so.

follow url So when Brian Erwin over at ThinkTank offered to send me one of their bags, I knew exactly which one I wanted.  The Retrospective series had stood out for some time; I was drawn in by the nondescript, low profile outer.  One of the worst mistakes a photographer can make is hauling around a shiny new bag with a brand name logo boldly emblazoned on the outside.  Day one with any new camera bag, I duct tape over brand logos and get it dirty.  With one I even took fine grain sandpaper and abraded it a bit.  It helps. Brain sent over the Retrospective 40, and after a mere week of use, I think I can safely say I’ve found the bag I’ve been looking for.  A shoulder bag, it’s easy to keep on my person while digging for gear at an event.  According to specs, the 40 will fit a pro-sized DSLR with up to a 70-200 f/2.8 attached plus one or two additional zoom lenses.  It has an interior padded laptop compartment that fits my 13″ MacBook Pro like a charm, and a nifty, well-thought-out internal organizer pocket.

Well-padded, non-slip shoulder strap.  Important for days on the run. Well-padded, non-slip shoulder strap. Important for days on the run. Another, easier to access front pocket is perfect for notepads and things I’m constantly digging for, while I seem to have made the rear external zippered compartment a home for my iPod and meeting notes. With as much as I jam into this bag and then walk around town (in a town the size of Pinedale, it’s really a crime to drive anywhere unless you are heading outside of town limits), it’s remarkably comfortable.  An extremely well-padded keeps my sports-injury-aggravated shoulders happy, and the grippy lines on the underside assure it doesn’t slide even when I’m wearing my slick down coat.

Tramadol Online Legal A surprising feature, and arguably my favorite so far, is the two outer pockets and canvas loops on either end of the bag.  I always keep a carabiner on my bags – in a crowded situation I can clip the bag to my belt, making it a bit harder for someone to snatch and grab.  It works – a few years ago while covering SXSW in Austin I had someone try to take the bag; it stayed with me and I got the hell out of there.  The pockets expand enough to fit a large Klean Kanteen water bottle, and I’ve taken to keeping a headlamp in the other – also a necessity in all my camera bags.

get link Another favorite is the “sound silencers” on the hook and loop velcro fasteners on the front flap, which allow me to open and rummage in the bag during meetings without garnering evil looks from the men around me.  Really big bonus.

follow I’m eager to test the Retrospective 40 more thoroughly, but it’s had a hell of a first week covering everything from wrestling tournaments to alpine ski meets to town hall meetings.  Thus far it’s been just what I’m looking for, and with the craftsmanship in the bag, I’m anticipating it will be with me for a long time to come.

Tramadol Buy Online Cheap For those wanting to give ThinkTank bags a try, the team has given me a special discount to share with Fire Girl readers.  If you shop at and enter the code AP-793, you’ll get free gear with every order over $50.  It’s a good deal, and if you’re in the market, give it a shot.  Every little bit helps. Note: This is not a paid review, however product was provided for review.

Plain exterior, workhorse interior. Plain exterior, workhorse interior.

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Alpine Ski Races by Fire Girl Jess on February 8, 2013 Alpine-3AlpineI’ve been mysteriously absent from the blog this week.  Apologies.  Soon, however, I can announce the reason why (and it’s exciting!).

enter site In the meantime, today I was up photographing high school slalom races up at White Pine Ski Resort.  It was a mercifully warm day – temps in the 20s – and although it was windy, the sun was simply glorious.  Shooting uphill into cresting midday sunlight was tough, but with a bit of creativity I was able to get the shots I needed. One note for shooting in snowy conditions – don’t be afraid to go up an exposure point or even two.  I shot these one full point above normal, even shooting into sun, and the extra exposure was critical to draw out detail.

follow link Also, don’t be afraid to get dirty.  Around noon, I was in place to  shoot a great crash series – one that covered me and the camera in blowing powder.  It’s inspiring to watch these kids bounce right back up and head off downhill. Snow pack is alarmingly light here.  I rode the lift up and hiked down the mountain, post-holing much of the way.  The snow only reached up to my hips, much less in the windblown areas.  Here’s hoping to a wet spring so we have water to fish in the summer!Alpine-2 { 0 comments }

Gettin’ My Ski Legs On by Fire Girl Jess on February 3, 2013 WP_Ski_photoKids_Ski-3Rather ashamedly, despite living in four of the skiing meccas across the West, I’ve never really skied.  Okay, once, as a school field trip in Utah, but that’s it.  And I was really little. So when the team at White Pine Ski Resort invited me to join a ski lesson group Friday – on the condition I photographed it for the paper – I jumped all over it.  Something new and potentially fast.

Online Tramadol Overnight The group I joined had already been in session for a few weeks, but I strapped on skis and immediately headed onto the lift.  At first the skis made me feel a bit like a wobbly colt and I was uncertain about my ability to disembark the lift without tipping.  Eh, the worst I could do was fall, so I jumped in.  Ninety minutes, one fall, and over ten runs later I was zipping downhill, a big, stupid grin on my face.

get link Turns out the basic position for skiing is spot-on with a good dressage position.  Knees bent, center of gravity low, arms relaxed along your sides.  Once I made the connection everything clicked.  The only issue was my instincts telling me to lower my center of gravity and tip my pelvis to slow.  Doesn’t work so well on skis. My instructor informed me I’d somehow skipped the “pizza” stage and jumped right into parallel turns.  Hell if I know what it means, but apparently it’s a good thing.  That, and apparently I have an unusual, highly aggressive approach to skiing. It was fun.  And opens up an entirely new world for the camera.  Hot damn. I was back up at the resort yesterday photographing kids’ ski lessons – the tiny jackets and tiny skis are so incredibly cute.  Members from the local high school ski team volunteer their time and join staff instructors as they wrangle kids around the slopes.  It was a very happy group of little kids, skiing alongside their mentors. Today I was back up once more, this time snowshoeing in the same area.  So nice to be out of the deep freeze and be able to play without worrying about frostbite!Kids_Ski-4Kids_Ski-1

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Tramadol Cheapest Price Dog_Sled_Races-48 Dog_Sled_Races-20Dog_Sled_Races-3I drove out into the Upper Green yesterday morning to catch the start of the Pinedale leg of the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race.  Mushers came from across the continental U.S., Alaska, Canada and Europe to compete in the competition.  It may perhaps be my horsey background coming out, but there’s something about bundling up and working with animals in bad conditions that makes me really happy.

follow url I’m by no means much of a dog person (I like them, just have not been around them much), which added to the allure of the event.  It was something new.

A strong turnout showed despite ice skating rink-like road conditions and wind chill that dipped well below -20F.  I talked to several other photographers who were having difficulties with their camera mirrors freezing.  We were all bundled in Carhartts and heavy jackets, making it difficult to tell who was who.

The Upper Green was fantastic – remote, high and harsh.  The chorus of dogs yipping and yelping echoed off the surrounding hills, creating a rather eerie cacophony that could be heard over the wind.  It was a fitting soundtrack to the event.

I had to head back to Pinedale before the end of the race to cover a meeting, but was grateful to have the chance to capture the beginning.  New subjects are always a welcome change.

Headed off tomorrow to a guest ranch near Jackson to photograph a lodge and an award-winning Percheron breeding program. Dog_Sled_Races-34Dog_Sled_Races-14Dog_Sled_Races-24Dog_Sled_Races-15Dog_Sled_Races-31Dog_Sled_Races-9Dog_Sled_Races-12Dog_Sled_Races-38Dog_Sled_Races-27


Taking Opportunities

by Fire Girl Jess on January 28, 2013

Winter_Scenes-6Winter_Scenes-3One of the hardest lessons for me as a photographer has been learning to take advantage of photography opportunities when they pop up.  Ninety-eight percent of photos you have to work your rear end off for, but sometimes, in that oh-so-rare two percent of the time, something amazing comes to you.

This was one of those times… sort of.

Sunday, I drove back from Bozeman to Pinedale, dealing with significant snow and wind all the way.  A five-hour drive morphed into a nine-hour trek across the great white unknown.  For much of the trip the delineation between the sky and the ground was not visible.  Blegh.

I eagerly look forward to the Henry’s Fork section of the trip every single time.  There’s something simply awe-inspiring about driving along that renowned river, and something peaceful about passing through the trees, knowing the friendly outpost of West Yellowstone is just around the bend.

I was driving along at 40 miles an hour, peering through the blowing powder, when I looked over and saw a collection of swans and ducks resting on a peaceful section of the river.  Road conditions prevented a quick pull-over-and-stop, so I slalomed into the next pullout and muscled the Fire Girl Suby through the unplowed snow.  Soon enough I was able to park the car near the river and hiked through the snow to a vantage point for these images.  Jeans and Danskos be damned.  I wanted these shots.

And, as I usually am, I’m glad I turned back for the images.

Tomorrow I’m out in the Upper Green covering a national sled dog race.  Wind chills are forecasted to near -20 degrees Fahrenheit.  Yee-haw!


Birthday Reflections

by Fire Girl Jess on January 25, 2013

Purnache StormSomehow each birthday is a time to look back at the year past, remember good times from childhood, and plan ahead for the coming year.

This year, since I am turning twenty five, somehow the reflecting has been full bore.

I drove up to Bozeman yesterday, battling freezing rain and whiteouts from Pinedale to West Yellowstone.  I slid down Teton Pass, drove thirty miles per hour across most of Idaho and more than once was pretty sure the Fire Girl Suby was going to end up in the ditch.

As soon as I passed from the Henry’s Fork to West Yellowstone – there is a gorgeous valley about 10 miles south of West – the skies began to clear and the roads were suddenly unfrozen allowing me to run at full bore.

Crossing into Montana, the sky broke for the first time all day and I was greeted by a full spectrum of pink, soft Montana light.  Driving along the Gallatin River and through the northernmost reaches of Yellowstone on the last stretch of the trip I realized how nice it was to be home.

Montana light is like no other light.

Road trips have always been the best thinking time for me.  Problem nagging in the back of my subconscious?  Big decision to be made?  I get in the car and drive.  The more open the drive, the better.

The past year has been a hell of a trip.  I’ve moved six times, lived in four states and two countries, and met and lost more new friends than ever before.  I’m exhausted but at the same time looking for the next adventure and, I admit, a bit restless.

Life is short and I’d like to live it to the full.

I wrote a guest editorial for the Pinedale Roundup a few weeks ago and decided to write about the past year and the people the year has brought.  A customer, more at home on the oil rig than in the office, stopped by the office several days ago and raved about the piece, finishing with the following: “Your life’s been an adventure.  No one does that anymore.  Get out and adventure for those of us who didn’t.”

His words struck a cord with me and I’m excited to see what the coming year brings.  While I may well spend it in Pinedale, tucked away in the little corner of the Wild West, photographing fish hatcheries and covering town council meetings, I’ve had several… enticing possibilities pop up.

The call of the road, of new adventure, is always there.

So here’s to a quarter century down.  I hope the coming twenty five years are as exciting as these last have been.


Teton Ice Park

by Fire Girl Jess on January 22, 2013

Teton_Ice_Park-20Teton_Ice_Park-22Teton_Ice_Park-15Teton_Ice_Park-25I was lucky enough to be able to spend last Friday afternoon poking around the new Teton Ice Park at the base of Snow King in Jackson.  The brainchild of Christian Santelices, an Exum Mountain Guides chief guide, the ice park offers a broad wall of 40-foot routes with basically no approach.

Christian was kind enough to let me come observe a lesson with a group of nine students from the Jackson Middle School.  None of the kids had climbed on ice before, and as I walked to them as they came off routes, the general consensus was “this is so awesome!”

I love photographing climbers anywhere, and this took me back to time photographing climbers in Austin over the past few years, save the temperature hovered about 12 degrees Fahrenheit – a full hundred degree swing from some of those hot summer days in Austin.  I full well remember sweating so much we would simply slide off the limestone some days.

The light was also a polar opposite – no warm, soft light to be found here.  We were in the shadow of Snow King, on a cold winter day – harsh skies and dark, blue (thanks to the ice and snow) shadow.  Some creative manual settings, including bumping up exposure, helped the series come to light.Teton_Ice_Park-3Teton_Ice_Park-5Teton_Ice_Park-8Teton_Ice_Park-11Teton_Ice_Park-14Teton_Ice_Park-16Teton_Ice_Park-23Teton_Ice_Park

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