Lessons Learned in 2017

Ordering Tramadol Online Uk by Fire Girl Jess on December 29, 2017


https://geolatinas.org/2wed2j0gw I stood at the window today, watching the snow fall onto the bare trees lining the Gallatin River, and pondered the past year. The events of 2017 have been anything but expected — it’s been a bit of a topsy-turvy year; I’ve emerged with a few more scars and a plethora of lessons learned (or confirmed).

https://www.mreavoice.org/17vq51q Thanks to everyone who made these lessons stick. Several years ago, I never would have dreamed I’d be looking back at a jungle SUP expedition in the Amazon or a curious, earthquake- and typhoon-laden exploratory fishing trip to Hokkaido. More and more I’m reminded that the adventures are balanced by the people you undertake them with, and at the end of the day it’s not the solo trips that stand out starkly in my memory, but the long, cold nights walking Martha’s Vineyard beaches with friends, bumpy jungle roads undertaken in the back of an open-bed fright truck with laughing friends and pre-dawn morning hunts with my brother.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/456be1vcubo Life’s about learning, and 2017 brought plenty of lessons (some harder than others):

  • Always pack the passport. Trips lead to more trips.
  • Pack enough bug spray – and treat your clothes with all the chemicals. It’s better than flesh-eating tropical diseases.
  • Coffee makes the world go ‘round.
  • Tokyo airport seafood Yaki Udon is legit.
  • Japan’s regional airline Air Do serves legit butter potato soup as a drink option. I’ll now be forever disappointed in Delta’s drink cart.


  • Language barriers really aren’t barriers. Smile and make it work.
  • Writing will always seem like some kind of odd magic. Filling blank paper with words is immensely satisfying.
  • Fishing is universal. Regardless of location, regardless of language.
  • Stand-up paddleboards make legit fishing photography platforms — the ability to freely move boat-to-boat is a game-changer.


  • Never leave the camera at home. I literally dream about witnessing something incredible and reaching for my camera, only to realize it’s not on my shoulder (had this same dream last night, actually).
  • Look at opportunities outside your self-defined boundaries. A new industry, a new client. Push far outside your comfort zone.
  • Value your good friends. They’re hard to find.

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  • Get everything in writing. At least twice.
  • Don’t waste time with people who don’t value your work. Life’s too short for that shit.
  • The hard decisions become surprisingly easy when you just make ‘em.
  • Write goals down. In five years you’ll be doing stuff you’re only dreaming of today.
  • Put the hours in. Prioritize wisely… there are only so many hours in the day, and at some point you have to choose what’s really important.


  • Always eat the local food. Even if it’s unrecognizable.
  • Be selective in burning bridges. Sometimes things loop back in the strangest — and best — ways.
  • Always travel with a water filter… there’s some nasty stuff out there.


  • Keep a notebook and a pen handy at all times. Ideas strike at weird moments.
  • Sleep helps.
  • Don’t be an ass… nobody wins.

Order Tramadol Overnight Cod Thanks to everyone who made this year exciting — from awesome new clients to steadfast old ones, to folks who simply stop by at a trade show to people who take the time to email a note. None of this could happen without the roster of awesome clients, anglers, and editors who are patient enough to put up with “the girl with the camera.” You all make it worthwhile.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/fmnxhw4ccvl Here’s to 2018!



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2017: The Year of Change

https://lpgventures.com/ywuz7h6gcx by Fire Girl Jess on December 28, 2017


https://mocicc.org/agricultura/rxwnezbyjn 2017 has been a year of the unexpected. And, yes, it’s been an… interesting year. Plenty of lessons learned, and go to site change seems to have been a constant theme.

https://alldayelectrician.com/k77l5jg2x The good?

  • Surprises around seemingly every corner
  • Working with stellar teams in unusual places — i.e the story below
  • Quiet, early dawns in both hemispheres
  • Fresh or salt, always watching water
  • Reunions with old friends, and making many new ones
  • A variety of incredible new clients who, if I told myself 10 years ago I’d be working with, I’d have called bullshit
  • Roughly five months of the year spent away from Montana on various shoots and projects
  • Many new fish species checked off the list!

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=kwv7988v0 The bad?

  • Surprises around seemingly every corner
  • Business partners who aren’t what they seemed. Lessons learned.
  • Housing in Bozeman (and roommate living)
  • Not enough hours in the day
  • First camera lost on a shoot… it’s now a handy paperweight


https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/f572vrjb9 Thanks to all the clients and partners I’ve been able to work with in 2017 — you make it all worth it! No matter the jet lag or the rough sleeping conditions, it’s all an adventure when you’re with the right people. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with incredible clients and to meet fascinating people along the way, often in the strangest places. I look forward to more of it in 2018!

https://penielenv.com/h84vvwoax In the spirit of this year’s yin-yang theme, I penned this piece for the Adventure Travel Trade Association this summer after an adrenaline-filled trip to Peru documenting stand-up paddleboard first descents down several Amazon tributaries. It’s always an interesting writing exercise when I have the opportunity to get a bit more personal with a project. Here’s a teaser; read the full piece here.

https://www.mreavoice.org/uu6wi92sclz “People are changed by the jungle.” The words came from the darkness next to me in the open-walled hut, tinted with the lyrical tones of a Peruvian accent. We sat by headlamp, collapsed on benches and the rough-hewn floor; listening to the myriad of insects and birds outside in the darkness. The sound of pans and low voices talking in Spanish came from the teammates cooking dinner nearby, lit by the candle suspended in the rafters.

Tramadol Order Overnight We were all exhausted; soaking from a late-afternoon deluge as we’d stopped to unload the boats for the night, and worn from a week of travel. But it was a satisfied exhaustion, one where life is just as it should be. Things are simple — in the midst of good people in an exceptional place, it’s hard to be anything but satisfied.

click “People are changed by the jungle.” I believed it then, and I believe it even now more.

Coupon Code For Tramadol Online I had started the journey needing something. I didn’t know what, but something. It had been monumentally frustrating few months — a client I’d moved across the country for had reneged on his promises, and I was coming to terms with the fact that my life was about to take another drastic segue. I was frustrated with people in general, disappointed in myself for not seeing the lies earlier, and dealing with an immense amount of anger that I wasn’t sure where to direct.

here And so when the opportunity arose to join an expedition into the Peruvian Amazon for a series of stand-up paddleboard first descents, it sounded oddly like something I needed. I bought a ticket…

https://www.marineetstamp.com/k2i77la3tb Read the rest (and see images!) here.

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https://lpgventures.com/agkpdwfe3va I’m pleased to announce I’ve formally joined the Ambassador Team at Keepemwet Fishing! I’ve followed Keepemwet Fishing since its inception, and firmly believe this is an initiative the industry needs to get behind. Whether I’m teaching fishing photography workshops or shooting for commercial clients, the keepemwet principals apply — and photos of fish in situ are so much more interesting than the traditional ‘grip and grins’.

here I’m thrilled to be part of the Ambassador team and support this movement.

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/fghwwj9t7 When shooting fish, keep these tips in mind, and remember to get creative with your photography… it’ll pay off in your images!


Fieldsports UK Feature: Japan’s Golden Char

by Fire Girl Jess on December 14, 2017

Thrilled to see this piece hit the streets, and in Fieldsports’ storied holiday “fireside” issue. I had an incredible trip venturing to Hokkaido this past October to document the emerging fly-fishing scene in this rural, cultured land. Huge thanks to everyone on the ground in Japan who helped make this possible — I look forward to venturing back to this incredible place some day, rod in hand!

Part of the beauty of travel is the way it reminds us of universal constants:

Some truths are quite simple. One I learned along ago, is that fishermen, regardless of the language they speak or if they ply their trade in fresh or saltwater, are truly the same the world around. One rainy morning, I find myself in the backseat of a Toyota, Nofuji and Takada talking quietly in Japanese in the front as we trail a military convoy through the countryside. We stop at a countryside pit toilet for a break and, after a stroll around, I look back to see both men peering over the edge of a bridge down the road, looking into the river below. I laugh, realizing it’s a familiar sight I’ve now seen on several continents. Regardless of language, regardless of location, fishermen will always look to the water.

Read the full piece on my website.


Taste of Winter

by Fire Girl Jess on December 13, 2017

“I prefer winter and fall, when you can feel the bone structure in the landscape—the loneliness of it—the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it—the whole story dosen’t show.” -Andrew Wyeth

We’re getting out fair share of powder these days, and early mornings are rewarded with quiet country lanes and snow-laden trees. While I’d always prefer flip-flops and hot summer sun on my face, it’s hard not to get into the spirit of things.

And even if I don’t have the “big camera” along for a ride, my beaten old iPhone 5 will make do.


Equestrian: An Athletic Partnership | Life Refined Magazine

by Fire Girl Jess on December 4, 2017

Really loved writing this piece (and pulling images from my own archives) on luxury lifestyle / wealth management publication Life Refined. Long ago in a galaxy far away, I used to make a living on this side of the equestrian world, and it’s still near and dear. The feeling of being atop 1,600 pounds of horse over a five-foot jump isn’t easily described, but I gave it a go:

“It’s oddly quiet as 1,600 pounds of horse flies six feet into the air, clearing the massive jump with ease. The one-two-three beat of the canter is broken by a sharp intake of breath—the only sign of the impressive effort taking place on the grassy field before me—and then the massive bay horse lands with a similar expulsion of air, ears already pricked toward the next fence further down the field. The nimble beat resumes as horse and rider make their way to the next obstacle, the coiled energy of every stride somehow reminiscent of a large, predatory cat…

[Final paragraph] Ears pricked, nostrils flaring, pace quietly competent, a large gray horse canters past in the warm-up ring, looking for all the world like he’s clocking in for a day of work. Work that he loves, work that he knows. There’s an ease to the way his alert ears flick back and forth from his rider to the surroundings, like he’s taking in the scenery while keeping the job foremost in his mind. Seasoned riders say some horses are bred to the job and do, indeed, love to work, claiming that the mounts get bored without the challenge of work. Taking in the ring before me, filled with several top-level horses from around the world, I can’t help but agree.”


Eagle Review Storytelling Project

by Fire Girl Jess on December 2, 2017

I’m always looking to work with new, fresh and innovative clients in new marketplaces. To that end, it’s been interesting to undertake a series of interviews for European sporting travel resource Eagle Review. The Eagle Review team has done a great job in committing to parallax scrolling storytelling, and it’s been fun to see this piece come together.

The first interview is on Swedish hunter and angler Jessica Knecht. Here’s a snippet:

The athletic Swede has outdoor pursuits in her blood. Most members of her family hunt and fish, including her mother who has just started to join the rest of the family in the field. Her boyfriend Nils is also an avid outdoorsman, and Jessica notes the relationship has a few benefits. “One of my favorite kind of hunts is hunting for black grouse in snow-covered landscapes,” she shares. “Jämtland, where Nils comes from, has excellent opportunities to hunt for these beautiful birds!”

Jessica’s skills are not limited to hunting, however, and she also credits her father with her fishing skills. While fly-fishing is a new undertaking, she’s quickly growing within the sport and enjoys the process, noting, “Practice makes perfect! I still have a lot to learn, but that’s also what makes it fun.” She always ensures she has a cell phone nearby to capture the moment, adding it’s the one thing she’ll never leave home without.

Give the brief article a read, and look for more to come in this series.