Education Tip:

by Editor on March 26, 2010

We live in a technical world.  You can’t walk a city block without seeing someone on their I-Pod, Blackberry, smartphone, whatever (even here in little ol’ Bozeman).  For those of us by nature not technically inclined, we need some training to successfully use all of these gadgets and their plethora of accompanying programs, systems, etc.

Enter  The online training center – offering over 759 complex, complete online training courses – is like technical college for those needing to learn a new program.  Courses cover everything from digital photography (the Lightroom course by Chris Orwig is excellent – I take a refresher every few months), web design, and graphics to basics such as Excel.  Major manufacturers, including Apple, Microsoft, and Abode are covered in a multitude of easy to understand courses that even the most computer illiterate can enjoy.

Subscription rates start at a mere $25 / month (way cheaper than a latte every day for a month).  I’ve found Lynda to be exceptionally easy to use, relevant, and – well, fun!  As they say, knowledge is power; we should never, ever stop learning.

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