Wall Street Journal’s Year in Photos

https://www.marineetstamp.com/2rv9jaxus3 by Fire Girl Jess on December 30, 2010

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go This is always an exciting time of year for photographers.  Contest season is just around the corner, ‘best of the year’ image lists come into play, and the adventure of a whole new year looms in the near future.

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source link I recently spent far too much time perusing the Wall Street Journal’s Year in Photos list.  Sortable by category, date, and region, this is a list of heavy-hitting photographs that capture the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2010.

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https://mocicc.org/agricultura/8m3lesc9vx1 Most certainly worth your time, whether you are a photographer or not.


https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/k9jy2ci I am packing up my household for the fifth time this year in preparation for the looming move to Colorado.  The plan (pending weather) is to drive on New Year’s Day – I find something very fitting about leaving Texas behind and moving onto new horizons with the beginning of the New Year.


https://guelph-real-estate.ca/mnio1vx5 Posting may be a little intermittent as I get an internet connection set up, get used to the new routine, and unpack much of my gear that has been in storage for five months.  But never fear, I’ll be back with new images soon.

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https://purestpotential.com/ji0t78ychvj A most happy New Year to you all.  Stay safe, enjoy the moment, and plan to shake things up a bit in the coming year!


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https://lpgventures.com/isgsdq0zh Tagged as: move, new year, travel, Wall Street Journal, Year in Photos

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