River Time

by Fire Girl Jess on January 14, 2011

The Dry Fly Media team hard at work on Montana's Madison River.

It’s been a busy week and a half getting used to the new job and all its accoutrements.  I love spending time with the horses (it’s a split tie between horses and my Canon for my favorite thing to take up my time).  There’s something just innately good about good, hard, physical work.

But last night I found myself really missing river time.  This fall afternoon last year in with the Dry Fly Media team was one of the best river afternoons I’ve ever had.  We were between the lakes on Montana’s Madison River, filming segments for Dry Fly’s ‘Rivers in Motion’ series.  Mark had taken over filming duties, Jake was modeling / fishing, and I got to sneak away for some camera time.

Colors were extraordinary – they always are more true, somehow, in the mountains, and the weather was perfect.  A quintessential Montana fall afternoon.

Not a bad day at work.

Tags: Rivers

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Travis February 4, 2011 at 22:35

Sweet photo, Montana make for fun photography. I always referred to “River Time” as taking the watch off and leaving the cell in the truck. Especially on multi-day trips. Keep up the good work and cool blog!


Admin February 6, 2011 at 19:48

Thanks, Travis. River time is invaluable – we can always use some time away from it all!

Just checked out your blog – loved the Deschutes pics. I may have to make a trek over there…


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