No, I have not dropped off the face of the planet. Though, admittedly, it has felt like that a bit this week. Being busy is addictive – the busier I get the more things seem to come together. Between a Wilderness First Aid certification course this past week, multiple classes a day of Krav Maga (sanity-saver!), and the usual holiday bustle at the day job, by the time I can crawl into bed in the wee hours I am already basically unconscious.
I like it.

Participants line up for "Customs & Immigration" early in the morning at ShelterBox Ambassador Field Training.
The week has been eventful on the photo front as well, though in the business management / paperwork fashion. The camera has sat untouched in the corner of my room but I’ve received three offers from new agencies, including one in the U.K. and one in Germany. Another – details to come soon – has me bouncing off the walls in excitement.
A few images from the ShelterBox Ambassador Field Training this past October recently ran with a piece in a local paper here in Austin and I’m curious to see what kind of response that draws from the community. ShelterBox was recently featured in Outside magazine as one of the top charities to give to this Christmas…it’s inspiring to see the people who work so hard behind this organization get some of the recognition they deserve.
So, rest assured I am still here and still truckin’ along. Posting will likely be a bit scattered through the New Year as I work to keep my head above water and the numbers of emails in my inbox somewhere in the double digits.
After all, life’s too short to just sit around!
Tags: Fire Girl Photography
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