It’s been a whirlwind of a week. Heard about a job in Russia, got a job in Russia.
Buy Valium In Australia Visa paperwork. Trying to sublease my Austin room and selling many of my worldly possessions. Quitting a job I’ve enjoyed here in Austin and mentally readying to leave this roughshod little family behind. So yesterday, Easter, I knew I needed a morning off. I packed off to the Barton Creek Greenbelt here in Austin for a morning of climbing with friends. Somehow celebrating the holiday outside in nature with friends, migrating butterflies everywhere and semi-tropical birdcalls echoing about, just felt right. It was a moment of peace I’ve been needing this week. And once again it’s Monday, start of an even more insane week. More of the same, along with a wedding to photograph on Saturday and the knowledge that I have roughly ten days left in this life.
go Surreal doesn’t begin to describe it.
watch Tags: Fire Girl Photography Tagged as: Austin, Barton Creek Greenbelt, Brandon Rech, climbing, rock climbing
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