Another Project, Another Adventure, and More Trout

by Fire Girl Jess on February 11, 2013

McGlothlin_Fishing-6It’s been a rather mad few weeks here at the Wyoming outpost.  The newspaper is going through some rather iffy transitions, I’ve been offered a full-fledged editor’s job at another paper, and I’ve been offered to spend the season at the Headhunters fly shop on the Missouri River in Montana.

I’ve been faced with three pretty distinct choices – the first, to stay here in Wyoming; the second, move on and work a largely office job at another paper.  The third is to pack the bags once more and camp out on one of the best trout fisheries in the world for eight months, work with one of the best teams in the business, and continue to pursue a blossoming freelance career.

Take a wild guess at which one I’ve chosen.

Headhunters it is.  I’ll be joining the team in late March or April.  I leave the paper here in Pinedale at the end of February, and am heading up to Bozeman and then over to Seattle for DSLR video training and business meetings for several weeks.  (And, just maybe, some fishing!)

Things are cooking.  Things are coming out of the woodwork.  Things are coming together.

You can read a more thorough post here on Chi Wulff; I’ll be writing a weekly or bi-weekly column for the CW team from the ‘Mo this summer.

So here’s to change.  It can be uncomfortable and scary as hell, but I’d rather change, grow and experience than become stagnant.

Tags: Fire Girl Photography

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Feather Chucker February 11, 2013 at 09:02

You’re lucky to have so many choices. I’m sure you’ll be fine where ever you go. When I was younger I would have jumped at a chance to work at a shop in Montana.


Admin February 11, 2013 at 10:11

Thanks much! I realize I’m very lucky to have the options in this economic climate. Having people beat me over the head for turning down “good, normal jobs,” but am indeed jumping at the chance to join the Headhunters crew.


ClimberofRocks February 14, 2013 at 11:01

Well done, fire girl. You’re wasted on the paper. Continue to kick ass and take names.


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