
Buy Cheap Tramadol by Fire Girl Jess on March 20, 2013

go to link First day off since starting at Headhunters.  I’ve spent the morning catching up on email correspondence and running errands, including setting up a safety deposit box at the little local bank here in town.  (I was happy to learn they even had safety deposit boxes.)

Tramadol Online Coupons I need a place to store backup hard drives as I’m not entirely sure my apartment won’t burn to the ground one day.  Clothes be damned, the photo files and camera gear are what really matter. Doing some limited home improvement today (more like home correction, but whatever) and slowly the place is becoming more and more livable.  Internet makes a world of difference as I can continue FGP business late into the night after a long day at the shop.  Who says I can’t manage clients while curled up in a cot in the middle of Montana?

enter site You gotta do what you gotta do.

go here When I’m on a project, I’ve found priorities tend to get kind of warped.  Food?  I can just grab a can of beans or a Clif bar for dinner.  Laundry?  I can wash it in the kitchen sink – no need to go to the laundromat and spend money. Down time?  What is that?

go to site Hoping to get enough done today to be able to spend a few hours on the water this afternoon.  Fishing and/or photography… I’m not picky. Tags: Missouri Project

source Tagged as: Fire Girl Photography, Missouri River, Montana, photography { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Feather Chucker March 20, 2013 at 17:44 For some reason I thought you were going to be guiding in Montana. Either way sounds like you’re making the best of things.

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Admin March 21, 2013 at 11:01 Hey Kevin, no guiding; I’m a shop rat for the summer. Working on some documentary photo projects as well while I’m here.

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