“People of the Ponoi” Feature in Fly Fusion Magazine

https://photovisions.ca/198inu57i by Fire Girl Jess on May 26, 2013

watch Ponoi_Fly_FusionFly Fusion magazine of Canada has just released their Summer 2013 issue, and I’m pleased to announce that a Fire Girl photo essay is one of the featured pieces.

Order Generic Xanax While I have yet to actually lay hands on a copy (here in the Wild West our mail is a wee bit slow) some fellow photographers sent over a few iPhone pics of the piece.  I’m excited to see this work in print, and believe there will be a few more Ponoi pieces yet to come with different publications.

https://www.jacobysaustin.com/2024/05/nedm7fnql Give it a read and let me know what you think!

https://dentaris-sa.com/2024/05/13/usssr326dt Tags: Publications

https://yplocal.us/19dm616kqkz Tagged as: Fire Girl Photography, Fly Fusion, Jessica McGlothlin, People of the Ponoi, Ponoi, Publications, published, Russia

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