Assignments – On the Road

by Fire Girl Jess on July 9, 2013


The Upper Madison River.

The Upper Madison River.

I’ve just had a three-day escape from the Missouri River, and spent the 72 hours on the road, trekking across southwestern Montana working on a selection of editorial and commercial assignments.

Stock imagery of West Yellowstone.

Commercial imagery of First Lite’s new rain shell and Blackhawk’s tactical Serpa holster series.

Investigating a potential piece on water flows on the Missouri River – seeking out and sitting down with the guys in the know.

Shooting and interviewing for a feature on Bequet Confections – home to award-winning caramel.  (It’s amazing.  Trust me.)

And, sometime in the middle, fishing a bit and enjoying some “real world” food.

I’m heading into one of the busiest weeks of the year on the Missouri, and have a film crew camping out in my little apartment.

And it would appear the cot is breaking.  Maybe we’ll all be crashing on the floor.

Life is short.  Get after it.McGlothlin_Blog_7.9_

Only in Montana.

Only in Montana.

Tags: Fire Girl Photography

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Missing MT July 9, 2013 at 10:18

Fantastic image from Hyalite!!!


Admin July 14, 2013 at 19:02

Thanks. Lovely place!


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