Hatch Magazine: Missouri River Rowdies

https://dentaris-sa.com/2024/05/13/3qbziylq by Fire Girl Jess on June 3, 2014

Peter Kutzer and Aron Cascone changing it up on a dark night. Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.

here Peter Kutzer and Aron Cascone changing it up on a dark night. Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

go site No, despite several inquiring emails to the contrary, I have not gotten lost in the Vermont hills nor suffered a loss of electricity for a week. Still here, still kicking.

go to link I’ve been chasing stripers off of Martha’s Vineyard. It was a long run of fishing under the moon, fishing in the pitch black of night, and fishing under the June sun. Lots of fishing, very little sleeping. Days filled with striped bass, fingers torn from stripping, one mysterious sunfish, the Menemsha Death March (that story to come soon) and truly awesome people. It was a lot of firsts for me—first saltwater fishing trip, first bass, first time seeing the Atlantic from the US side, first time on a big ferry, first time on a fishing boat… the list goes on and on. We were there for a fly fishing contest and ended up taking third as a team, but the real experience was so much larger than that. The rough edit of the images looks promising… look for a blog post coming your way soon.

https://someawesomeminecraft.com/2024/05/13/dr1ck3ox In the meantime, I’m thrilled to announce that Hatch Magazine is running a photo essay of mine titled “Missouri River Rowdies.” It’s a fun piece filled with memories of the Missouri and truly Montana folk. Give it a look and let me know what you think!

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https://thegreathighway.com/xw3pwf9an4 Tagged as: fly fishing, Hatch Magazine, Martha's Vineyard, Missouri River Rowdies, Peter Kutzer, published, stripers

https://annmorrislighting.com/xxtwflh { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

SWMBO June 5, 2014 at 09:33

source site Wow, Jess! It’s a treat to see all those pics of the MO together. Loved the tag lines.

https://restoreredspruce.org/2024/05/13/uiez46o Reply

Fire Girl Jess June 8, 2014 at 10:52

here So glad you enjoyed it… pretty fun to bring these together into a cohesive collection.

https://discovershareinspire.com/2024/05/wfaypw2 Reply

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