Today’s Rounds: Gear Junkie and a TFM Shout-Out by Fire Girl Jess on October 1, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 6.42.32 PMCouple of notes from today. First off, it’s October and I’m firmly ensconced sipping tea after an evening of fog / grey skies / foliage photography. The camera got dirty, my boots got grimy, and my flannel kept me warm.

Content, in a word.

Second, head on over to Gear Junkie and check out the latest piece I wrote and photographed for the site. It’s the Grayl water filtration system, and it’s pretty awesome.

Third, huge thanks to Cam Mortenson at The Fiberglass Manifesto for a very kind mention on the blog today. Made my week. TFM a great site celebrating all things fishing and fiberglass… check it out.

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