Summer in Missoula by Fire Girl Jess on June 23, 2018

Tramadol Overnight Shipping Visa I’ve moved my home base three hours northwest to Missoula, Montana — back on the west side of the Continental Divide! Enjoying working with new clients, exploring town and waiting for the rivers to drop back down after runoff and spring rains.

Tramadol Medication Online I headed downtown for a coffee shop work session a few days ago and went back to one of my favorite spots in town — watching surfers hit up Brennan’s Wave. Nice to be back.

click Missoula folks — give me a shout!

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source Tagged as: Brennan's Wave, kid, kids, Missoula, Missoula Whitewater Park, Montana, runoff, summer, surf

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Chris June 28, 2018 at 13:41 Jess! Welcome to Missoula. Besides my own freelance writing and photography, I work part-time at Fact & Fiction Books on Higgins, Mon-Tues-Weds. Stop in and say hello sometime. If you ever want to do any kind of event, I’m sure we can host it.

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Fire Girl Jess July 1, 2018 at 14:31

get link Hey Chris, thanks for the warm welcome! Always enjoy giving photography talks / slideshows, etc. — sounds like it would be a cool place to host one. Look forward to catching up in person one of these days. Reply

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