go site Looking a wee bit like fall during a rainy morning hike.

go to link Jackie Jordan getting it done gar hunting on Lake Champlain.
Mastercard Tramadol I’ve finally gotten my rear end in gear and, instead of lightening my freelance writing load like a sane person would, have just decided that I’m pretty damn happy working 80+ hour weeks. Writing work continues to accelerate, and I’ve finally made up my mind to accept the challenge of photographing the seeming homogenous hills of the Northeast.
here I complained internally for seven months about how different the landscape was from the big, sweeping Western landscapes of home. Finally I sucked it up and started playing with the camera. No pressure, just evenings out bouncing around and seeing what would happen.
https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/d5g377no8u And things happened.
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/54e9p45tj Fortunately, just in time for the foliage season.
Buy Real Tramadol Online You can see the results of the several past months’ work in a new portfolio on the FGP site: Eastern Spaces. Right now it’s pretty recent work, but look for it to evolve as I experiment with shooting this new territory.
go here I also updated the Eastern Fly Fishing portfolio with a few shots from a recent trip on Lake Champlain. Look for Orvis all-stars Pete and Jackie doing that they do best.
source link Heading down to Cape Coral Wednesday AM (the lovely reality of living an hour and a half from the nearest airport… 3AM departures) for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Media Summit. I’m going in a joint role as both Fire Girl Photography and an Orvis representative. Very much looking forward to two days of intensive seminars and meetings, and upping my basic knowledge of saltwater conservation. It looks to be a stellar line up, and I’m honored to be included in the group.
https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/0w603ot04 And while it’s a work / meeting trip, we do get a morning out on the water for some fishing, so maybe I’ll come back with a few images as well.
Tramadol Purchase Online ‘Til next week. Cheers.
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get link by Fire Girl Jess on October 9, 2014
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Fall is here in full force. It’s brisk and breezy and I’m currently swathed in my beat-up Patagonia Nano Puff and a scarf. And I have a sudden, rather explicable urge to swing streamers. It’s been a busy week thus far; here’s a brief hit list:
- Fishing at least once a day. Can report lots of lovely little brookies.
- Writing for most hours of the day. Whether at Orvis or at home, new projects keep popping up and I found myself whacking out 1,000 words for a freelance piece before even leaving for the office this morning (coffee is a wonderful, wonderful thing, and I’ve learned I can type with one hand and down oatmeal with the other).
- New travel on the horizon. More details to come later.
- Foliage is moving from yellow to orange. I find this strangely exciting as it now almost looks like the hills are smoldering. Some subliminal part of my mind keeps looking for a helitack crew to crest the treeline.
- Rediscovering my love/hate relationship with landscape photography (see previous point).
- Discovered a tv show character (I have to listen to something when processing images at midnight, and while I don’t have a television, Netflix can be lovely background noise) who used the words “malfeasance” and “gumption” in the same conversation. Think I found a new (and fictional) best friend.
go to site And that about wraps up the week. I’m working on a plethora of projects that will be hitting the magazine circuit this winter and the coming spring, and thoroughly enjoying having the hard-hitting journalist hat on for a while. Gotta have a little fun once and a while.

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by Fire Girl Jess on September 30, 2014

Photography roots, that is. While this past weekend’s trip was an epic fail from a fishing perspective (extremely long story), it did provide some much-needed down time on the river. Friday afternoon I loaded up the Suby and made the drive up north to the Adirondacks. Somehow time on the road is always the best thinking time, and the travel in of itself was basically a considerable mental jaywalk.
In what has become typical Fire Girl style, I drove around the area until I saw something that looked interesting, and then got out and explored.
Thirty minutes later I had shucked my Teva flip flops and wet waded, barefoot, to a large rock in the middle of the Au Sable River, both the camera bag and a duffel of commercial products I needed to shoot in tow. I spread out, explored a bit, and went to work. After shooting the commercial gigs (more on that to come later) I just played.
The results of which you see here.
Rivers are a pretty awesome canvas.
And water makes me so happy.
It was pretty wonderful to have an afternoon not chasing assignments and fulfilling client lists. Just shooting for myself. Need to do that more often.
And, hey, the issues that made the trip a fishing fail? Being turned into an informational ethics article for a national fishing publication.
There’s always an upside. Sometimes you’ve just got to dig for it.