follow I’ll be writing a weekly blog post over at Chi Wulff in a series titled “Dispatches from Craig.”  The series will detail the ins-and-outs, the odd little bits about a summer spent working on one of the most productive fisheries around. The first post went up today; once more I’m excited to be on one of the busiest fly fishing blogs in the world! { 0 comments }

Priorities by Fire Girl Jess on March 20, 2013

Headhunters Fly Shop decor.

follow link Headhunters Fly Shop decor. First day off since starting at Headhunters.  I’ve spent the morning catching up on email correspondence and running errands, including setting up a safety deposit box at the little local bank here in town.  (I was happy to learn they even had safety deposit boxes.) I need a place to store backup hard drives as I’m not entirely sure my apartment won’t burn to the ground one day.  Clothes be damned, the photo files and camera gear are what really matter. Doing some limited home improvement today (more like home correction, but whatever) and slowly the place is becoming more and more livable.  Internet makes a world of difference as I can continue FGP business late into the night after a long day at the shop.  Who says I can’t manage clients while curled up in a cot in the middle of Montana?

go You gotta do what you gotta do. When I’m on a project, I’ve found priorities tend to get kind of warped.  Food?  I can just grab a can of beans or a Clif bar for dinner.  Laundry?  I can wash it in the kitchen sink – no need to go to the laundromat and spend money.

enter site Down time?  What is that?

enter site Hoping to get enough done today to be able to spend a few hours on the water this afternoon.  Fishing and/or photography… I’m not picky.

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As quiet as you'll see Headhunters for a while.  A snowy spring afternoon.

go As quiet as you’ll see Headhunters for a while. A snowy spring afternoon.

click here I’m settling in here on the Missouri, and even made it out for a few casts after work yesterday.  The crew is bringing me up to speed on the business – the ins-and-outs of everything we carry in the shop, running shuttles, housekeeping in the cabins… lots to learn.  It seems like every time I turn around there is some new skill to learn, a new fly to check out, a new drop to drive a shuttle to.

Order Tramadol Paypal And that’s the way I like it.

follow I was reminded last night that the Missouri is far different from the waters I am used to.  It’s very humbling.  I’m looking forward to the day I can head out and feeling fully confident in my ability on the water.  But that’s what I like about this; it’s a learning process.  There is always something new to learn – you can never master it all.

Moving into the kitchen of FGP's summer HQ.

Tramadol To Buy Uk Moving into the kitchen of FGP’s summer HQ. Slowly I’m settling into the apartment – working out some rather impressive housekeeping issues along the way.  Note to self: it’s always a good idea to physically visit housing before renting.  One would think I would have learned this by now.

click Today was a rather chilly, snowy day in Craig.  Cosy.  Temperatures danced in the 20s, snowflakes fluttered by and a chilly wind made it feel much colder than it really was.  Fishing reports continue to be stellar, however, and we have calls from people all over the place as they plan their trips for the season.

Ordering Tramadol Online Cod So much of the fun of this gig is going to be meeting all the people who converge on the Missouri in pursuit of a shared passion.  It’s rare that you can have lawyers and grocers in the same bar, the same shop, the same river take out, talking animatedly to one another about something they both love. So, here’s to the little things that bring us together. The summer is booking up to be quite busy, and I’m looking forward to it.  Looking forward to meeting some of you, as well! { 2 comments }

Bunking Up on the Missouri

Can U Get Tramadol Online by Fire Girl Jess on March 14, 2013 cot_roomI made it into Cascade yesterday and am slowly settling into what will be home for the coming eight months.

Order Tramadol From India Housing is… basic.  Let’s just say it took six hours of scrubbing before I would unpack anything.  And I’m really not that picky.

click here Guests are more than welcome, provided you can fit into the two-and-a-half foot square shower and BYOB (bring your own bed).  I’m camped out on an outfitter cot. But I finally have an internet connection and can catch up on work.  Somehow if I’m away for too long, it piles up far too quickly.

go to site Start tomorrow morning at Headhunters; I’m excited about it.  Ready to leap into the season. { 3 comments }

Foggy Morning on the Puget Sound

Tramadol Rx Purchase by Fire Girl Jess on March 10, 2013 OlallaI spent a rather foggy morning yesterday out with two new friends fishing the Puget Sound.  You can check out a few photos on Chi Wulff  this morning.

It was a beautiful, serene, and  Cheap Tramadol Uk challenging morning from behind the lens.  A great self-lesson in composition, though, and as the world became nearly black-and-white, shapes and depth drew even more weight.  It’s easy to get carried away with hyper-saturated colors, but in a monochromatic world, strong composition is paramount.

It was my first time wading in cold saltwater and – simply put – it was awesome.  Balmy saltwater flats are an entirely different world when compared to cold beaches populated by otters and sea lions.


Camera Totage

by Fire Girl Jess on March 6, 2013

A seaplane takes off from Budd Bay, near Olympia, Washington.

A seaplane takes off from Budd Bay, near Olympia, Washington.

Alternately, this post could be titled: Is It Worth the Hassle of Toting a Camera Around?

Many photographers save the gear for shoots – for those times when they know they will need to capture images, or maybe when they know they are going some place where the odds of photographic material are high.  They worry about the weather – is it wet out?  Could my gear get wet if I take it out today?

Others tote their cameras around everywhere.  To the market.  To the restaurant.  On walks.  Newspaper staff do it because news pops up when you least expect it, but some amateurs like to carry gear around so they are always prepared.  Great shots can happen when you least expect it.

This has its downsides, however.  Wear and tear on camera gear, primarily.  Somehow, someway, camera gear will get banged around a bit.  It’s inevitable.  Anything that is being used will get beat up a bit.

And, if you walk around with three thousand dollars worth of camera gear around your neck in certain areas, said gear can make a rather delicious-looking target for petty thieves.  If you’re into daily carry – or any kind of carry in high-risk environments – try to go incognito.  Invest in a camera bag that doesn’t scream “I’m carrying expensive gear!”  Cover the camera with your jacket.  Blend in.

Bottom line – don’t draw attention to yourself.

To each their own.  In this age of iPhone-dom, the ability to capture a reasonable digital image is rather portable, and provides the opportunity to capture images on the move without the wear-and-tear of daily camera carry.

But image quality suffers.  It’s hard to acquire the needed resolution for an image appearing in print off a mobile phone camera.  Possible, but challenging.

What about you?  Does the camera go everywhere with you, or does it only emerge from the Pelican case for special occasions?


Partnering with ExOfficio

by Fire Girl Jess on March 4, 2013

ExOfficio headquarters in Seattle.

ExOfficio headquarters in Seattle.

I’m thrilled to announce, after a meeting in Seattle this morning, Fire Girl Photography will be partnering with ExOfficio – the premier manufacturer of travel clothing.

ExO clothing has taken me from the Russian tundra to the south Texas desert and beyond.  I always love clothing that can take me from the field to a client dinner and then to crashing in the tent… as ExO has many times.  The gang knows what they are doing, and are doing it well.

I’m very much looking forward to this partnership.  I’ll be reviewing clothing as well as shooting a bit of commercial imagery.

It’s an entirely new adventure!