Getting Back to My Roots

by Fire Girl Jess on September 30, 2014

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leaves_3leaves_1Photography roots, that is. While this past weekend’s trip was an epic fail from a fishing perspective (extremely long story), it did provide some much-needed down time on the river. Friday afternoon I loaded up the Suby and made the drive up north to the Adirondacks. Somehow time on the road is always the best thinking time, and the travel in of itself was basically a considerable mental jaywalk. In what has become typical Fire Girl style, I drove around the area until I saw something that looked interesting, and then got out and explored.

Thirty minutes later I had shucked my Teva flip flops and wet waded, barefoot, to a large rock in the middle of the Au Sable River, both the camera bag and a duffel of commercial products I needed to shoot in tow. I spread out, explored a bit, and went to work. After shooting the commercial gigs (more on that to come later) I just played. The results of which you see here.

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And, hey, the issues that made the trip a fishing fail? Being turned into an informational ethics article for a national fishing publication. There’s always an upside. Sometimes you’ve just got to dig for it.leaves_2leaves_4

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Tags: Scenes Tagged as: Adirondacks, fall, foliage, leaves, New York, photography, rivers, water

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